Tensor Hooks

TensorLy-Torch also makes it very easy to manipulate the tensor decomposition parametrizing a tensor module.

Tensor dropout

For instance, you can apply very easily tensor dropout: let’s first create a simple TRL layer.

import tltorch
trl = tltorch.TuckerTRL((10, 10), (10, ), rank='same')

To add tensor dropout, simply apply the helper function:

trl = tltorch.tucker_dropout(trl, p=0.5)

Similarly, to remove tensor dropout:


Lasso rank regularization

Rank selection is a hard problem. One way to choose the rank while training is to apply an l1 penalty (Lasso) on the rank.

This was used previously for CP decomposition, and we extended it in TensorLy-Torch to Tucker and Tensor-Train, by introducing new weights in the decomposition.

To use is, you can define a regularizer object that will take care of everything. Using our previously defined TRL:

l1_reg = tltorch.TuckerL1Regularizer(penalty=0.01)
x = trl(x)
loss = my_loss(x) + l1_reg.loss

After each iteration, don’t forget to reset the loss so you don’t keep accumulating:


Initializing tensor decomposition

Another issue is that of initializing tensor decompositions: if you simply initialize randomly each component without care, the reconstructed (full) tensor can have arbitrarily large or small values potentially leading to gradient vanishing or exploding during training.

In TensorLy-Torch, we provide a module for initialization that will properly initialize the factors of the decomposition so that the reconstruction has zero mean and the specified standard deviation!

For instance, for a CP tensor (weights, factors):

tltorch.init.cp_init(weights, factors)