(*args, **kwargs)[source] Create a convolution of arbitrary order with a Tucker kernel
Parameters: - in_channelsint
- out_channelsint
- kernel_sizeint or int list
if int, order MUST be specified if int list, then the conv will use order = len(kernel_size)
- rankint
rank of the factorized kernel
- orderint, optional if kernel_size is a list
see kernel_size
- implementation = {‘factorized’, ‘reconstructed’}
strategy to use for the forward pass: - factorized : the Tucker conv is expressed as a series of smaller convolutions - reconstructed : full kernel is reconstructed from the decomposition.
the reconstruction is used to perform a regular forward pass
- strideint, default is 1
- paddingint, default is 0
- dilationint, default is 0
- modes_fixed_rankNone, ‘spatial’ or int list, default is None
if ‘spatial’, the rank along the spatial dimensions is kept the same as the original dimension if int list, the rank is kept fixed (same as input) along the specified modes otherwise (if None), all the ranks are determing
used only if rank is ‘same’ or a float.
See also
[1] Yong-Deok Kim, Eunhyeok Park, Sungjoo Yoo, TaelimChoi, Lu Yang, and Dongjun Shin. Compression of deep convolutional neural networks for fast and low power mobile applications. In ICLR, 2016. [2] Jean Kossaifi, Antoine Toisoul, Adrian Bulat, Yannis Panagakis, Timothy M. Hospedales, Maja Pantic; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020, pp. 6060-6069 Attributes: - kernel_shapeint tuple
shape of the kernel weight parametrizing the full convolution
- rankint
rank of the Tucker decomposition
([return_bias])Returns the Tucker Tensor parametrizing the convolution init_from_decomposition
(tucker_tensor[, bias])Initialize the factorized convolution with a decomposed tensor init_from_random
([decompose_full_weight])Initialize the factorized convolution’s parameter randomly init_from_tensor
(kernel_tensor[, bias, …])Initializes the factorized convolution by decomposing a full tensor. -
(kernel_tensor, bias=None, decomposition_kwargs={})[source] Initializes the factorized convolution by decomposing a full tensor.
Parameters: - kernel_tensorfull convolutional kernel to decompose
- biasoptional, default is None
- decomposition_kwargsdict
dictionary of parameters passed on to the decomposition
(decompose_full_weight=True)[source] Initialize the factorized convolution’s parameter randomly
Parameters: - decompose_full_weightbool
If True, a full weight is randomly created and decomposed to intialize the parameters (slower) Otherwise, the parameters are initialized directly (faster) so the reconstruction has a set variance.
(tucker_tensor, bias=None)[source] Initialize the factorized convolution with a decomposed tensor
Parameters: - factorsTucker tensor
(core, factors) of the Tucker tensor
(return_bias=False)[source] Returns the Tucker Tensor parametrizing the convolution
Parameters: - return_biasbool, default is False
if True also return the bias
Returns: - (core, factors), bias if return_bias:
- (core, factors) otherwise