- admm(UtM, UtU, x, dual_var, n_iter_max=100, n_const=None, order=None, non_negative=None, l1_reg=None, l2_reg=None, l2_square_reg=None, unimodality=None, normalize=None, simplex=None, normalized_sparsity=None, soft_sparsity=None, smoothness=None, monotonicity=None, hard_sparsity=None, tol=0.0001)[source]
Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to minimize a quadratic function under convex constraints.
- Parameters:
- UtM: ndarray
Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and M.
- UtU: ndarray
Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and U.
- x: init
Default: None
- dual_varndarray
Dual variable to update x
- n_iter_maxint
Maximum number of iteration Default: 100
- n_constint
Number of constraints. If it is None, function solves least square problem without proximity operator If ADMM function is used with a constraint apart from constrained parafac decomposition, n_const value should be changed to ‘1’. Default : None
- orderint
Specifies which constraint to implement if several constraints are selected as input Default : None
- non_negativebool or dictionary
This constraint is clipping negative values to ‘0’. If it is True, non-negative constraint is applied to all modes.
- l1_regfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Penalizes the factor with the l1 norm using the input value as regularization parameter.
- l2_regfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Penalizes the factor with the l2 norm using the input value as regularization parameter.
- l2_square_regfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Penalizes the factor with the l2 square norm using the input value as regularization parameter.
- unimodalitybool or dictionary, optional
If it is True, unimodality constraint is applied to all modes. Applied to each column seperately.
- normalizebool or dictionary, optional
This constraint divides all the values by maximum value of the input array. If it is True, normalize constraint is applied to all modes.
- simplexfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Projects on the simplex with the given parameter Applied to each column seperately.
- normalized_sparsityfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Normalizes with the norm after hard thresholding
- soft_sparsityfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Impose that the columns of factors have L1 norm bounded by a user-defined threshold.
- smoothnessfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Optimizes the factors by solving a banded system
- monotonicitybool or dictionary, optional
Projects columns to monotonically decreasing distrbution Applied to each column seperately. If it is True, monotonicity constraint is applied to all modes.
- hard_sparsityfloat or list or dictionary, optional
Hard thresholding with the given threshold
- tolfloat
- Returns:
- xUpdated ndarray
- x_splitUpdated ndarray
- dual_varUpdated ndarray
ADMM solves the convex optimization problem
\[\min_ f(x) + g(z),\; A(x_{split}) + Bx = c.\]Following updates are iterated to solve the problem
\[x_{split} = argmin_{x_{split}}~ f(x_{split}) + (\rho/2)\|Ax_{split} + Bx - c\|_2^2\]\[x = argmin_x~ g(x) + (\rho/2)\|Ax_{split} + Bx - c\|_2^2\]\[dual\_var = dual\_var + (Ax + Bx_{split} - c)\]where rho is a constant defined by the user.
Let us define a least square problem such as \(\|Ux - M\|^2 + r(x)\).
ADMM can be adapted to this least square problem as following
\[x_{split} = (UtU + \rho\times I)\times(UtM + \rho\times(x + dual\_var)^T)\]\[x = argmin_{x}~ r(x) + (\rho/2)\|x - x_{split}^T + dual\_var\|_2^2\]\[dual\_var = dual\_var + x - x_{split}^T\]where r is the regularization operator. Here, x can be updated by using proximity operator of \(x_{split}^T - dual\_var\).
[1]Huang, Kejun, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, and Athanasios P. Liavas. “A flexible and efficient algorithmic framework for constrained matrix and tensor factorization.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64.19 (2016): 5052-5065.