# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "Marie Roald & Yngve Mardal Moe"
from warnings import warn
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from . import factor_tools, model_evaluation, postprocessing
from ._module_utils import _handle_none_weights_cp_tensor, is_dataframe, is_iterable
from ._tl_utils import _handle_tensorly_backends_cp, _handle_tensorly_backends_dataset, to_numpy_cp
from ._xarray_wrapper import _handle_labelled_cp, _handle_labelled_dataset
from .model_evaluation import estimate_core_tensor
from .outliers import (
from .utils import _alias_mode_axis, cp_to_tensor
__all__ = [
[docs]def scree_plot(cp_tensors, dataset, errors=None, metric="Fit", ax=None):
"""Create scree plot for the given cp tensors.
A scree plot is a plot with the model on the x-axis and a metric (often fit)
on the y-axis. It is commonly plotted as a line plot with a scatter point located at each
cp_tensor: dict[Any, CPTensor]
Dictionary mapping model names (often just the number of components as an int) to a
dataset: numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
Dataset to compare the model against.
errors: dict[Any, float] (optional)
The metric to plot. If given, then the cp_tensor and dataset-arguments are ignored.
This is useful to save computation time if, for example, the fit is computed beforehand.
metric: str or Callable
Which metric to plot, should have the signature ``metric(cp_tensor, dataset)`` and return
a float. If it is a string, then this will be used as the y-label and metric will be set to
``metric = getattr(tlviz.model_evaluation, metric)``.
Also, if ``metric`` is a string, then it is converted to lower-case letters and spaces
are converted to underlines before getting the metric from the ``model_evaluation`` module.
ax: matplotlib axes
Matplotlib axes that the plot will be placed in. If ``None``, then ``plt.gca()`` will be used.
Matplotlib axes object with the scree plot
Simple scree plot of fit
.. plot ::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import scree_plot
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), rank=3, noise_level=0.2, seed=42)[1]
>>> cp_tensors = {}
>>> for rank in range(1, 5):
... cp_tensors[f"{rank} components"] = parafac(dataset, rank, random_state=1)
>>> ax = scree_plot(cp_tensors, dataset)
>>> plt.show()
Scree plots for fit and core consistency in the same figure
.. plot ::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import scree_plot
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), rank=3, noise_level=0.2, seed=42)[1]
>>> cp_tensors = {}
>>> for rank in range(1, 5):
... cp_tensors[rank] = parafac(dataset, rank, random_state=1)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 2), tight_layout=True)
>>> ax = scree_plot(cp_tensors, dataset, ax=axes[0])
>>> ax = scree_plot(cp_tensors, dataset, metric="Core consistency", ax=axes[1])
>>> # Names are converted to lowercase and spaces are converted to underlines when fetching metric-function,
>>> # so "Core consistency" becomes getattr(tlviz.model_evaluation, "core_consistency")
>>> for ax in axes:
... xlabel = ax.set_xlabel("Number of components")
... xticks = ax.set_xticks(list(cp_tensors.keys()))
>>> limits = axes[1].set_ylim((0, 105))
>>> plt.show()
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
if isinstance(metric, str):
ax.set_ylabel(metric.replace("_", " "))
metric = getattr(model_evaluation, metric.lower().replace(" ", "_"))
cp_tensors = dict(cp_tensors)
if errors is None:
# compute error using the metric function
errors = {model: metric(cp_tensor, dataset) for model, cp_tensor in cp_tensors.items()}
errors = dict(errors)
ax.plot(errors.keys(), errors.values(), "-o")
return ax
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_dataset("dataset", None)
@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
@_handle_labelled_dataset("dataset", None)
@_handle_labelled_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def histogram_of_residuals(cp_tensor, dataset, ax=None, standardised=True, **kwargs):
r"""Create a histogram of model residuals (:math:`\hat{\mathbf{\mathcal{X}}} - \mathbf{\mathcal{X}}`).
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
Dataset to compare with
ax : Matplotlib axes (Optional)
Axes to plot the histogram in
standardised : bool
If true, then the residuals are divided by their standard deviation
Additional keyword arguments passed to the histogram function
ax : Matplotlib axes
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import histogram_of_residuals
>>> true_cp, X = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, seed=0)
>>> est_cp = parafac(X, 3)
>>> histogram_of_residuals(est_cp, X)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Histogram of residuals'}, xlabel='Standardised residuals', ylabel='Frequency'>
>>> plt.show()
estimated_dataset = cp_to_tensor(cp_tensor)
residuals = (estimated_dataset - dataset).ravel()
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
if standardised:
residuals = residuals / np.std(residuals)
ax.set_xlabel("Standardised residuals")
ax.hist(residuals, **kwargs)
ax.set_title("Histogram of residuals")
return ax
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_dataset("dataset", None)
@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
@_handle_labelled_dataset("dataset", None)
@_handle_labelled_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def residual_qq(cp_tensor, dataset, ax=None, use_pingouin=False, **kwargs):
"""QQ-plot of the model residuals.
By default, ``statsmodels`` is used to create the QQ-plot. However,
if ``use_pingouin=True``, then we import the GPL-3 lisenced Pingouin
library to create a more informative QQ-plot.
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
Dataset to compare with
ax : Matplotlib axes (Optional)
Axes to plot the qq-plot in
use_pingouin : bool
If true, then the GPL-3 licensed ``pingouin``-library will be used
for generating an enhanced QQ-plot (with error bars), at the cost
of changing the license of tlviz into a GPL-license too.
Additional keyword arguments passed to the qq-plot function
(``statsmodels.api.qqplot`` or ``pingouin.qqplot``)
ax : Matplotlib axes
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import residual_qq
>>> true_cp, X = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, seed=0)
>>> est_cp = parafac(X, 3)
>>> residual_qq(est_cp, X)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'QQ-plot of residuals'}, xlabel='Theoretical Quantiles', ylabel='Sample Quantiles'>
>>> plt.show()
estimated_dataset = cp_to_tensor(cp_tensor)
residuals = (estimated_dataset - dataset).ravel()
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
if use_pingouin: # pragma: no cover
from pingouin import qqplot
warn("GPL-3 Lisenced code is loaded, so this code also follows the GPL-3 license.")
qqplot(residuals, ax=ax, **kwargs)
sm.qqplot(residuals, ax=ax, **kwargs)
ax.set_title("QQ-plot of residuals")
return ax
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def outlier_plot(
axis=None, # Alias for mode
"""Create the leverage-residual scatterplot to detect outliers.
Detecting outliers can be a difficult task, and a common way to do this is by making a scatter-plot where the
leverage score is plotted against the slabwise SSE (or residual).
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
Dataset to compare with
mode : int
Which mode (axis) to create the outlier plot for
leverage_rules_of_thumb : str or iterable of str
Rule of thumb(s) used to create lines for detecting outliers based on leverage score. Must be a supported
argument for ``method`` with :meth:`tlviz.outliers.get_leverage_outlier_threshold`. If
``leverage_rules_of_thumb`` is an iterable of strings, then multiple lines will be drawn, one for each
residual_rules_of_thumb : str or iterable of str
Rule of thumb(s) used to create lines for detecting outliers based on residuals. Must be a supported
argument for ``method`` with :meth:`tlviz.outliers.get_slabwise_sse_outlier_threshold`. If
``residual_rules_of_thumb`` is an iterable of strings, then multiple lines will be drawn, one for each
p_value : float or iterable of float
p-value(s) to use for both the leverage and residual rules of thumb. If an iterable of floats is used,
then there will be drawn lines for each p-value.
ax : Matplotlib axes
Axes to plot outlier plot in. If ``None``, then ``plt.gca()`` is used.
axis : int (optional)
Alias for mode. If set, then mode cannot be set.
ax : Matplotlib axes
Axes with outlier plot in
Here is a simple example demonstrating how to use the outlier plot to detect outliers based on the
Oslo bike sharing data.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import non_negative_parafac_hals
>>> from tlviz.data import load_oslo_city_bike
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import postprocess
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import outlier_plot
>>> data = load_oslo_city_bike()
>>> X = data.data
>>> cp = non_negative_parafac_hals(X, 3, init="random")
>>> cp = postprocess(cp, dataset=data, )
>>> outlier_plot(
... cp, data, leverage_rules_of_thumb='p-value', residual_rules_of_thumb='p-value', p_value=[0.05, 0.01]
... )
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Outlier plot for End station name'}, xlabel='Leverage score', ylabel='Slabwise SSE'>
>>> plt.show()
We can also provide multiple types of rules of thumb
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import non_negative_parafac_hals
>>> from tlviz.data import load_oslo_city_bike
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import postprocess
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import outlier_plot
>>> data = load_oslo_city_bike()
>>> X = data.data
>>> cp = non_negative_parafac_hals(X, 3, init="random")
>>> cp = postprocess(cp, dataset=data, )
>>> outlier_plot(
... cp, data, leverage_rules_of_thumb=['huber lower', 'hw higher'], residual_rules_of_thumb='two sigma'
... )
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Outlier plot for End station name'}, xlabel='Leverage score', ylabel='Slabwise SSE'>
>>> plt.show()
See Also
weights, factor_matrices = cp_tensor
outlier_info = compute_outlier_info(cp_tensor, dataset, mode=mode)
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(outlier_info[f"{_LEVERAGE_NAME}"], outlier_info[f"{_SLABWISE_SSE_NAME}"], "o", zorder=1, alpha=0.8)
ax.set_xlabel("Leverage score")
ax.set_ylabel("Slabwise SSE")
if is_dataframe(factor_matrices[mode]) and factor_matrices[mode].index.name not in {None, ""}:
title = f"Outlier plot for {factor_matrices[mode].index.name}"
title = f"Outlier plot for mode {mode}"
for x, y, s in zip(
ax.text(x, y, s, zorder=0, clip_on=True)
# Vertical lines for leverage based rule-of-thumb thresholds
leverage_thresholds = {}
if leverage_rules_of_thumb is not None:
if isinstance(leverage_rules_of_thumb, str):
leverage_rules_of_thumb = [leverage_rules_of_thumb]
for leverage_rule_of_thumb in leverage_rules_of_thumb:
if leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() in {
"bonferroni p-value",
"bonferroni hotelling",
} and not is_iterable(p_value):
p_values = [p_value]
elif leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() in {
"bonferroni p-value",
"bonferroni hotelling",
p_values = p_value
p_values = [None] # We still need something to iterate over even if it doesn't use the p-value
for p in p_values:
threshold = get_leverage_outlier_threshold(
if leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "p-value":
name = f"Leverage p-value: {p}"
elif leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "hotelling":
name = f"Hotelling T2 p-value: {p}"
elif leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "bonferroni p-value":
name = f"Leverage p-value (Bonferroni corrected): {p}"
elif leverage_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "bonferroni hotelling":
name = f"Hotelling T2 p-value (Bonferroni corrected): {p}"
name = leverage_rule_of_thumb
leverage_thresholds[name] = threshold
# Draw the lines
for key, value in leverage_thresholds.items():
ax.axvline(value, label=key, **next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler))
residual_thresholds = {}
if residual_rules_of_thumb is not None:
if isinstance(residual_rules_of_thumb, str):
residual_rules_of_thumb = [residual_rules_of_thumb]
for residual_rule_of_thumb in residual_rules_of_thumb:
if "p-value" in residual_rule_of_thumb.lower() and not is_iterable(p_value):
p_values = [p_value]
elif "p-value" in residual_rule_of_thumb.lower():
p_values = p_value
p_values = [None] # We still need something to iterate over even if it doesn't use the p-value
for p in p_values:
threshold = get_slabwise_sse_outlier_threshold(
outlier_info[f"{_SLABWISE_SSE_NAME}"], method=residual_rule_of_thumb, p_value=p
if residual_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "p-value":
name = f"Residual p-value: {p}"
elif residual_rule_of_thumb.lower() == "bonferroni p-value":
name = f"Residual p-value (Bonferroni corrected): {p}"
name = residual_rule_of_thumb
residual_thresholds[name] = threshold
for key, value in residual_thresholds.items():
ax.axhline(value, label=key, **next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler))
if len(leverage_thresholds) > 0 or len(residual_thresholds) > 0:
return ax
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def component_scatterplot(cp_tensor, mode, x_component=0, y_component=1, ax=None, axis=None, **kwargs):
"""Scatterplot of two columns in a factor matrix.
Create a scatterplot with the columns of a factor matrix as feature-vectors.
Note that since factor matrices are not orthogonal, the distances between points
can be misleading. The lack of orthogonality means that distances and angles
are "skewed", and two slabs with vastly different locations in the scatter plot
can be very similar (in the case of collinear components). For more information
about this phenomenon, see :cite:p:`kiers2000some` and example 8.3 in
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
mode : int
Mode for the factor matrix whose columns are plotted
x_component : int
Component plotted on the x-axis
y_component : int
Component plotted on the y-axis
ax : Matplotlib axes (Optional)
Axes to plot the scatterplot in
axis : int (optional)
Alias for mode. If this is provided, then no value for mode can be provided.
Additional keyword arguments passed to ``ax.scatter``.
ax : Matplotlib axes
Small example with a simulated third order CP tensor
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tensorly.random import random_cp
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import component_scatterplot
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor = random_cp(shape=(5,10,15), rank=2)
>>> component_scatterplot(cp_tensor, mode=0)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Component plot'}, xlabel='Component 0', ylabel='Component 1'>
>>> plt.show()
Eexample with PCA of a real stock dataset
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import plotly.express as px
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import label_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import component_scatterplot
>>> # Load data and convert to xarray
>>> stocks = px.data.stocks().set_index("date").stack()
>>> stocks.index.names = ["Date", "Stock"]
>>> stocks = stocks.to_xarray()
>>> # Compute PCA via SVD of centered data
>>> stocks -= stocks.mean(axis=0)
>>> U, s, Vh = np.linalg.svd(stocks, full_matrices=False)
>>> # Extract two components and convert to cp_tensor
>>> num_components = 2
>>> cp_tensor = s[:num_components], (U[:, :num_components], Vh.T[:, :num_components])
>>> cp_tensor = label_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, stocks)
>>> # Visualise the components with components_plot
>>> component_scatterplot(cp_tensor, mode=1)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Component plot'}, xlabel='Component 0', ylabel='Component 1'>
>>> plt.show()
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
factor_matrix = cp_tensor[1][mode]
if is_dataframe(factor_matrix):
index = factor_matrix.index
factor_matrix = factor_matrix.values
index = np.arange(factor_matrix.shape[0])
relevant_factors = factor_matrix[:, [x_component, y_component]]
ax.set_xlabel(f"Component {x_component}")
ax.set_ylabel(f"Component {y_component}")
ax.set_title("Component plot")
ax.scatter(relevant_factors[:, 0], relevant_factors[:, 1], **kwargs)
for x, y, s in zip(relevant_factors[:, 0], relevant_factors[:, 1], index):
ax.text(x, y, s, clip_on=True)
return ax
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def core_element_plot(cp_tensor, dataset, normalised=False, ax=None):
"""Scatter plot with the elements of the optimal core tensor for a given CP tensor.
If the CP-model is appropriate for the data, then the core tensor should
be superdiagonal, and all off-superdiagonal entries should be zero. This plot
shows the core elements, sorted so the first R scatter-points correspond to the
superdiagonal and the subsequent scatter-points correspond to off-diagonal entries
in the optimal core tensor.
Together with the scatter plot, there is a line-plot that indicate where the scatter-points
should be if the CP-model perfectly describes the data.
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
The dataset the CP tensor models.
normalised : bool
If true then the normalised core consistency will be estimated
(see ``tlviz.model_evaluation.core_consistency``)
ax : Matplotlib axes
Axes to plot the core element plot within
ax : Matplotlib axes
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import core_element_plot
>>> true_cp, X = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, seed=42)
>>> est_cp = parafac(X, 3)
>>> core_element_plot(est_cp, X)
<AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'Core consistency: 99.8'}, xlabel='Core element', ylabel='Value'>
>>> plt.show()
weights, factors = cp_tensor
rank = weights.shape[0]
A = factors[0].copy()
if weights is not None:
A *= weights
factors = tuple((A, *factors[1:]))
# Estimate core and compute core consistency
core_tensor = estimate_core_tensor(factors, dataset)
T = np.zeros([rank] * dataset.ndim)
np.fill_diagonal(T, 1)
if normalised:
denom = np.sum((core_tensor) ** 2)
denom = rank
core_consistency = 100 - 100 * np.sum((core_tensor - T) ** 2) / denom
# Define bool type that works across numpy versions
bool_type = np.bool_
except AttributeError:
bool_type = np.bool
# Extract superdiagonal and offdiagonal elements
core_elements = np.zeros_like(core_tensor.ravel())
diagonal_mask = np.zeros([rank] * dataset.ndim, dtype=bool_type)
np.fill_diagonal(diagonal_mask, 1)
core_elements[:rank] = core_tensor[diagonal_mask]
core_elements[rank:] = core_tensor[~diagonal_mask]
# Plot core elements
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
x = np.arange(len(core_elements))
y = np.zeros_like(x)
y[:rank] = 1
ax.plot(x, y, "-", label="Target")
ax.plot(x[:rank], core_elements[:rank], "o", label="Superdiagonal")
ax.plot(x[rank:], core_elements[rank:], "x", label="Off diagonal")
ax.set_xlabel("Core element")
ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
ymin = min(ymin, 0)
ymax = max(ymax, 1.1)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
if core_consistency >= 0:
ax.set_title(f"Core consistency: {core_consistency:.1f}")
ax.set_title(f"Core consistency: <0")
return ax
def _srgb_to_luminance(srgb):
"""Return the Y of XYZ.
Computed based on a preview of the IEC 61966-2-1:1999/AMD1:2003 standard. Downloaded
from https://www.sis.se/api/document/preview/562720/ (archived version:
srgb : np.ndarray
Non-linear sRGB signal
Array with luminance (Y) values.
srgb_linear = np.where(srgb < 0.04045, srgb / 12.92, ((srgb + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4)
return srgb_linear @ np.array([0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722])
def _get_core_tensor_index(slab_idx, slice_mode):
slices = []
slice_strs = []
for mode in range(3):
if mode == slice_mode:
slice_str = ", ".join(slice_strs)
return tuple(slices), slice_str
def _apply_diverging_cmap(selected_slab, vmax, cmap):
cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap)
scaled_slab = (selected_slab + vmax) / (2 * vmax)
scaled_slab[scaled_slab > 1] = 1
scaled_slab[scaled_slab < 0] = 0
return cmap(scaled_slab)[..., :-1]
def _get_text_color(bg_rgb):
luminance = _srgb_to_luminance(bg_rgb)
if luminance > 0.408:
return "0.15"
return "white"
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def core_element_heatmap(cp_tensor, dataset, slice_mode=0, vmax=None, annotate=True, colorbar=True, text_kwargs=None, text_fmt=".2f"):
"""Create a heatmap of the slabs of the optimal core tensor for a given CP tensor and dataset.
It can be useful look at the optimal core tensor for a given CP tensor. This can give valuable information about which
components that are modelling multi-linear behaviour and which are not. For example, a component that models noise is
more likely to have strong interactions with the other components compared to a component that have a meaningful
interpretation. In the core element heatmap, this is shown as rows, columns and/or slabs that have high entries compared
to the diagonal.
If the data follows a PARAFAC model perfectly, then there should only be one non-zero entry per slice. For the :math:`r`-th
slice, the :math:`(r, r)`-th entry will be 1 and all others will be 0.
.. note::
The core element heatmap can only be plotted for third-order tensors.
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
The dataset the CP tensor models.
slice_mode : {0, 1, 2} (default=0)
Which mode to slice the core tensor across.
vmax : float (default=None)
The maximum value for the colormap (a diverging colormap with center at 0 will be used).
If ``None``, then the maximum entry in the core tensor is used.
annotate : bool (default=True)
If ``True``, then the value of the core tensor is plotted too.
text_kwargs : dict (default=None)
Additional keyword arguments used for plotting the text. Can for example be used to set the font size.
text_fmt : str (default=".2f")
Formatting string used for annotating.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
axes : ndarray(dtype=matplotlib.axes.Axes)
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import core_element_heatmap
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((20, 30, 40), 3, seed=0)
>>> fig, axes = core_element_heatmap(cp_tensor, dataset)
>>> plt.show()
weights, factors = cp_tensor
if len(factors) != 3:
raise ValueError("Can only create a core element heatmap for third order tensors.")
# Multiply weights into components so diagonal should be one
A = factors[0].copy()
A *= weights
factors = tuple((A, *factors[1:]))
# Estimate core tensor
core_tensor = estimate_core_tensor(factors, dataset)
num_components = core_tensor.shape[0]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_components, figsize=(3 * num_components, 3), sharex=True, sharey=True)
if vmax is None:
vmax = np.abs(core_tensor).max()
if text_kwargs is None:
text_kwargs = {}
for slab, ax in enumerate(axes):
slices, slice_str = _get_core_tensor_index(slab, slice_mode)
selected_slab = core_tensor[slices]
image = _apply_diverging_cmap(selected_slab, vmax, "coolwarm")
im = ax.imshow(selected_slab, "coolwarm", vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax)
if annotate:
for index, value in np.ndenumerate(selected_slab):
*index[::-1], # Reverse since matrix index is (y, x), not (x, y)
if colorbar:
geom = ax.get_position()
cax = fig.add_axes([geom.x1+0.01, geom.y0, 0.02, geom.height])
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
return fig, axes
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def components_plot(cp_tensor, weight_behaviour="normalise", weight_mode=0, plot_kwargs=None):
"""Plot the component vectors of a CP model.
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
weight_behaviour : {'ignore', 'normalise', 'evenly', 'one_mode'}
How to handle the component weights.
* ignore - Do nothing, just plot the factor matrices
* normalise - Plot all components after normalising them
* evenly - Distribute the weight evenly across all modes
* one_mode - Move all the weight into one factor matrix
weight_mode : int
The mode that the weight should be placed in (only used if ``weight_behaviour='one_mode'``)
plot_kwargs : list of dictionaries
List of same length as the number of modes. Each element is a kwargs-dict passed to
the plot function for that mode.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
axes : ndarray(dtype=matplotlib.axes.Axes)
Small example with a simulated CP tensor
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tensorly.random import random_cp
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import components_plot
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor = random_cp(shape=(5,10,15), rank=3)
>>> fig, axes = components_plot(cp_tensor)
>>> plt.show()
Full example with PCA of a real stock dataset
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import plotly.express as px
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import label_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import components_plot
>>> # Load data and convert to xarray
>>> stocks = px.data.stocks().set_index("date").stack()
>>> stocks.index.names = ["Date", "Stock"]
>>> stocks = stocks.to_xarray()
>>> # Compute PCA via SVD of centered data
>>> stocks -= stocks.mean(axis=0)
>>> U, s, Vh = np.linalg.svd(stocks, full_matrices=False)
>>> # Extract two components and convert to cp_tensor
>>> num_components = 2
>>> cp_tensor = s[:num_components], (U[:, :num_components], Vh.T[:, :num_components])
>>> cp_tensor = label_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, stocks)
>>> # Visualise the components with components_plot
>>> fig, axes = components_plot(cp_tensor, weight_behaviour="one_mode", weight_mode=1,
... plot_kwargs=[{}, {'marker': 'o', 'linewidth': 0}])
>>> plt.show()
weights, factor_matrices = factor_tools.distribute_weights(
cp_tensor, weight_behaviour=weight_behaviour, weight_mode=weight_mode
num_components = len(weights.reshape(-1))
num_modes = len(factor_matrices)
if plot_kwargs is None:
plot_kwargs = [{}] * num_modes
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_modes, figsize=(16, 9 / num_modes), tight_layout=True)
for mode, factor_matrix in enumerate(factor_matrices):
if hasattr(factor_matrix, "plot"):
factor_matrix.plot(ax=axes[mode], **plot_kwargs[mode])
axes[mode].plot(factor_matrix, **plot_kwargs[mode])
axes[mode].set_xlabel(f"Mode {mode}")
axes[mode].legend([str(i) for i in range(num_components)])
return fig, axes
[docs]def component_comparison_plot(
"""Create a plot to compare different CP tensors.
This function creates a figure with either D columns and R rows or D columns and N rows,
where D is the number of modes, R is the number of components and N is the number of cp tensors
to compare.
cp_tensors : dict (str -> CPTensor)
Dictionary with model names mapping to decompositions. The model names
are used for labels. The components of all CP tensors will be aligned
to maximise the factor match score with the components of the first CP
tensor in the dictionary (starting with Python 3.7, dictionaries are sorted by
insertion order).
row : {"model", "component"}
weight_behaviour : {"ignore", "normalise", "evenly", "one_mode"} (default="normalise")
How to handle the component weights.
* ``"ignore"`` - Do nothing
* ``"normalise"`` - Normalise all factor matrices
* ``"evenly"`` - All factor matrices have equal norm
* ``"one_mode"`` - The weight is allocated in one mode, all other factor matrices have unit norm columns.
weight_mode : int (optional)
Which mode to have the component weights in (only used if ``weight_behaviour="one_mode"``)
plot_kwargs : list of list of dicts
Nested list of dictionaries, one dictionary with keyword arguments for each subplot.
fig : matplotlib figure
axes : array of matplotlib axes
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac, non_negative_parafac_hals
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import component_comparison_plot
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import postprocess
>>> true_cp, X = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, noise_level=0.5, seed=42)
>>> cp_tensors = {
... "True": true_cp,
... "CP": parafac(X, 3),
... "NN CP": non_negative_parafac_hals(X, 3),
... }
>>> fig, axes = component_comparison_plot(cp_tensors, row="component")
>>> plt.show()
If not all decompositions have the same number of components, then the components will be aligned
with the first (reference) decomposition in the ``cp_tensors``-dictionary. If one of the subsequent
decompositions have fewer components than the reference decomposition, then the columns will be
aligned correctly, and if one of them has more, then the additional components will be ignored.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.factor_tools import permute_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.postprocessing import postprocess
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import component_comparison_plot
>>> four_components = simulated_random_cp_tensor((5, 6, 7), 4, noise_level=0.5, seed=42)[0]
>>> three_components = permute_cp_tensor(four_components, permutation=[0, 1, 2])
>>> two_components = permute_cp_tensor(four_components, permutation=[0, 2])
>>> # Plot the decomposition
>>> cp_tensors = {
... "True": three_components, # Reference decomposition
... "subset": two_components, # Only component 0 and 2
... "superset": four_components, # All components in reference plus one additional
... }
>>> fig, axes = component_comparison_plot(cp_tensors, row="model")
>>> plt.show()
main_cp_tensor = next(iter(cp_tensors.values()))
weights, factor_matrices = main_cp_tensor
cp_tensors = {
key: postprocessing.postprocess(
for key, value in cp_tensors.items()
num_components = factor_matrices[0].shape[1]
num_modes = len(factor_matrices)
num_models = len(cp_tensors)
ref_name = next(iter(cp_tensors.keys()))
if row == "model":
num_rows = num_models
elif row == "component":
num_rows = num_components
raise ValueError("Row must be either 'model' or 'component'")
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_modes, figsize=(16, num_rows * 9 / num_modes), tight_layout=True)
for model_num, (model_name, cp_tensor) in enumerate(cp_tensors.items()):
factor_matrices = cp_tensor[1] # The weights are handled by the above postprocessing
if factor_matrices[0].shape[1] > num_components:
f"The {model_name} decomposition has a higher rank than the reference {ref_name} decomposition."
+ f" Therefore, only the subset of columns in {model_name} that correspond to columns in"
+ f" {ref_name} will be plotted."
for mode, factor_matrix in enumerate(factor_matrices):
for component_num in range(num_components):
if row == "model":
row_idx = model_num
elif row == "component":
row_idx = component_num
if plot_kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
kwargs = plot_kwargs[row_idx][mode]
if is_dataframe(factor_matrix):
factor_matrix[component_num].plot(ax=axes[row_idx, mode], **kwargs)
legend = axes[row_idx, mode].get_legend()
if legend is not None:
axes[row_idx, mode].plot(factor_matrix[:, component_num], **kwargs)
axes[row_idx, mode].set_xlabel(f"Mode {mode}")
if row == "model":
[f"Component {i}" for i in range(num_components)],
loc="upper center",
for row_idx, model_name in enumerate(cp_tensors):
axes[row_idx, 0].set_ylabel(model_name)
elif row == "component":
fig.legend(cp_tensors.keys(), loc="upper center", ncol=len(cp_tensors))
for row_idx in range(num_components):
axes[row_idx, 0].set_ylabel(f"Component {row_idx}")
for row_idx in range(num_rows - 1):
for mode in range(num_modes):
ax = axes[row_idx, mode]
xlim = ax.get_xlim() # Necessary to supress FixedLocator warning
ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) # Necessary to supress FixedLocator warning
ax.set_xticklabels(["" for _ in ax.get_xticks()])
ax.set_xlim(xlim) # Necessary to supress FixedLocator warning
return fig, axes
[docs]def optimisation_diagnostic_plots(error_logs, n_iter_max):
"""Diagnostic plots for the optimisation problem.
This function creates two plots. One plot that shows the loss value for each initialisation
and whether or not that initialisation converged or ran until the maximum number of iterations.
The other plot shows the error log for each initialisation, with the initialisation with lowest
final error in a different colour (orange).
These plots can be helpful for understanding how stable the model is with respect to initialisation.
Ideally, we should see that many initialisations converged and obtained the same, low, error.
If models converge, but with different errors, then this can indicate that indicates that a stricter
convergence tolerance is required, and if no models converge, then more iterations may be required.
error_logs : list of arrays
List of arrays, each containing the error per iteration for an initialisation.
n_iter_max : int
Maximum number of iterations for the fitting procedure. Used to determine if the
models converged or not.
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
axes : array(dtype=matplotlib.axes.Axes)
Fit the wrong number of components to show local minima problems
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.random import random_cp
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import optimisation_diagnostic_plots
>>> # Generate random tensor and add noise
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
>>> cp_tensor = random_cp((5, 6, 7), 2, random_state=rng)
>>> dataset = cp_tensor.to_tensor() + rng.standard_normal((5, 6, 7))
>>> # Fit 10 models
>>> errs = []
>>> for i in range(10):
... errs.append(parafac(dataset, 3, n_iter_max=500, return_errors=True, init="random", random_state=rng)[1])
>>> # Plot the diganostic plots
>>> fig, axes = optimisation_diagnostic_plots(errs, 500)
>>> plt.show()
Fit a model with too few iterations
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from tensorly.random import random_cp
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import optimisation_diagnostic_plots
>>> # Generate random tensor and add noise
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
>>> cp_tensor = random_cp((5, 6, 7), 3, random_state=rng)
>>> dataset = cp_tensor.to_tensor() + rng.standard_normal((5, 6, 7))
>>> # Fit 10 models
>>> errs = []
>>> for i in range(10):
... errs.append(parafac(dataset, 3, n_iter_max=50, return_errors=True, init="random", random_state=rng)[1])
>>> # Plot the diagnostic plots
>>> fig, axes = optimisation_diagnostic_plots(errs, 50)
>>> plt.show()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 4.5))
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.2)
selected_init = None
lowest_error = np.inf
for init, error in enumerate(error_logs):
if error[-1] < lowest_error:
selected_init = init
lowest_error = error[-1]
ymax = 0
for init, error in enumerate(error_logs):
if init == selected_init:
alpha = 1
color = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"][1]
zorder = 10
alpha = 0.5
color = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"][0]
zorder = 0
if len(error) == n_iter_max:
axes[0].scatter([init], [error[-1]], color=color, alpha=alpha, marker="x")
axes[0].scatter([init], [error[-1]], color=color, alpha=alpha, marker="o")
axes[1].semilogy(error, color=color, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder)
ymax = max(error[1], ymax)
axes[1].set_ylabel("Error (Log scale)")
custom_lines = [
Line2D([0], [0], marker="o", alpha=1, color="k", linewidth=0),
Line2D([0], [0], marker="x", alpha=1, color="k", linewidth=0),
["Converged", "Did not converge", "Lowest final error", "Other runs"],
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.01),
loc="lower center",
return fig, axes
[docs]@_handle_tensorly_backends_dataset("dataset", None)
@_handle_tensorly_backends_cp("cp_tensor", None)
def percentage_variation_plot(
"""Bar chart showing the percentage of variation explained by each of the components.
cp_tensor : CPTensor or tuple
TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first
argument and a tuple of components as second argument
dataset : np.ndarray or xarray.DataArray
Dataset to compare with, only needed if ``method="data"`` or ``method="both"``.
model : {"model", "data", "both"} (default="model")
Whether the percentage variation should be computed based on the model, data or both.
ax : matplotlib axes
Axes to draw the plot in
matplotlib axes
Axes with the plot in
By default, we get the percentage of variation in the model each component explains
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import percentage_variation_plot
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor(shape=(5,10,15), rank=3, noise_level=0.5, seed=0)
>>> percentage_variation_plot(cp_tensor)
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Component number', ylabel='Percentage variation explained [%]'>
>>> plt.show()
We can also get the percentage of variation in the data that each component explains
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import percentage_variation_plot
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor(shape=(5,10,15), rank=3, noise_level=0.5, seed=0)
>>> percentage_variation_plot(cp_tensor, dataset, method="data")
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Component number', ylabel='Percentage variation explained [%]'>
>>> plt.show()
Or both the variation in the data and in the model
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> from tlviz.visualisation import percentage_variation_plot
>>> from tlviz.data import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor(shape=(5,10,15), rank=3, noise_level=0.5, seed=0)
>>> percentage_variation_plot(cp_tensor, dataset, method="both")
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Component number', ylabel='Percentage variation explained [%]'>
>>> plt.show()
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
labels = {"data": "Percentage of data", "model": "Percentage of model"}
variation = factor_tools.percentage_variation(cp_tensor, dataset, method=method)
if method == "both":
data_var, model_var = variation
ax.bar(np.arange(len(data_var)) - 0.2, data_var, width=0.4, label=labels["data"])
ax.bar(np.arange(len(model_var)) + 0.2, model_var, width=0.4, label=labels["model"])
ax.bar(range(len(variation)), variation, label=labels[method])
ax.set_xlabel("Component number")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage variation explained [%]")
return ax