Source code for tlviz._xarray_wrapper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains utilities for seamlessly handling DataFrames as factor matrices and xarray DataArrays as data

__author__ = "Marie Roald & Yngve Mardal Moe"

from functools import wraps
from inspect import signature
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from ._module_utils import (

__all__ = [

[docs]def add_factor_metadata(cp_tensor, dataset): """Adds the additional coordinates along each dataset dimension as new columns in the factor matrices. The coordinates of xarray DataArrays can contain metadata. For each dimension, there may be additional coordinates that are not used for indexing purposes. This function will iterate over all modes of a dataset and a labelled CP tensor and add the additional coordinates as new columns in the factor matrices. Parameters ---------- cp_tensor : labelled CP Tensor dataset : xarray.DataArray Returns ------- tuple CP-tensor like tuple where the factor matrices are augmented with additional metadata. Examples -------- >>> from import load_oslo_city_bike >>> from tlviz.postprocessing import postprocess, add_factor_metadata >>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac >>> bikes = load_oslo_city_bike() >>> bikes.coords Coordinates: * End station name (End station name) object '7 Juni Plassen' ... 'Økernve... lat (End station name) float64 59.92 59.93 ... 59.93 59.92 lon (End station name) float64 10.73 10.75 ... 10.8 10.78 * Hour (Hour) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 * Month (Month) int32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * Day of week (Day of week) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 * Year (Year) int32 2020 2021 We see that the ``End station name`` dimension has two additional columns: ``lat`` and ``lon``. These contain metadata about the end station coordinates, and it can be useful to have these columns also in the factor matrices. To do this, we first fit a PARAFAC model to the dataset, then we postprocess it to label the CP tensor and finally, we add the metadata information >>> cp = parafac(, 3, init="random") >>> cp_labelled = postprocess(cp, bikes) >>> print(cp_labelled[1][0].columns) RangeIndex(start=0, stop=3, step=1) >>> cp_with_metadata = add_factor_metadata(cp_labelled, bikes) >>> print(cp_with_metadata[1][0].columns) Index([0, 1, 2, 'lat', 'lon'], dtype='object') We see that when we add the metadata, then the latitude and longitude columns are added to the dataframe. """ if not is_labelled_cp(cp_tensor): raise ValueError("The CP tensor must be labelled with the same labels as the dataset.") if not is_labelled_dataset(dataset): raise ValueError("The dataset must be labelled with the same labels as the CP tensor.") weights, factor_matrices = cp_tensor factors_with_metadata = [None] * len(factor_matrices) for mode, factor_matrix in enumerate(factor_matrices): dim_name = coords = dataset.coords[dim_name] metadata = pd.DataFrame({name: coords.coords[name].to_pandas() for name in coords.coords}) metadata = metadata.drop(dim_name, axis=1) factors_with_metadata[mode] = factor_matrix.join(metadata) return weights, factors_with_metadata
def _label_factor_matrices(factor_matrices, dataset): if is_xarray(dataset): def xarray_to_pandas_index(dataset, dim_name): return dataset.coords[dim_name].xindexes[dim_name].to_pandas_index() factor_matrices = [ pd.DataFrame(factor_matrix, index=xarray_to_pandas_index(dataset, dim_name)) for factor_matrix, dim_name in zip(factor_matrices, dataset.dims) ] elif is_dataframe(dataset) and len(factor_matrices) == 2: factor_matrices = [ pd.DataFrame(factor_matrices[0], index=dataset.index), pd.DataFrame(factor_matrices[1], index=dataset.columns), ] else: raise ValueError( "``dataset`` must be xarray.DataArray or, pandas.DataFrame " "(only possible if ``len(factor_matrices) == 2``)" ) return factor_matrices
[docs]def label_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, dataset): """Label the CP tensor by converting the factor matrices into DataFrames with a sensible index. Convert the factor matrices into Pandas DataFrames where the DataFrame indices are given by the coordinate names of an xarray DataArray. If the dataset has only two modes, then it can also be a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- cp_tensor : CPTensor CP Tensor whose factor matrices should be labelled dataset : xarray.DataArray of pandas.DataFrame Dataset used to label the factor matrices Returns ------- CPTensor Tuple on the CPTensor format, except that the factor matrices are DataFrames. """ if is_labelled_cp(cp_tensor) and is_labelled_dataset(dataset): warn( "Both the CP tensor and the dataset is labelled, the labels from the cp tensor will be overwritten " + " with the labels from the dataset." ) cp_tensor = _unlabel_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, optional=False, preserve_columns=True)[0] if is_xarray(dataset) or is_dataframe(dataset): return (cp_tensor[0], _label_factor_matrices(cp_tensor[1], dataset)) elif isinstance(dataset, np.ndarray): return cp_tensor else: raise ValueError("Dataset must be either numpy array, xarray or pandas dataframe.")
def get_data(x): """Extract the numerical values from ``x`` as a numpy array. Arguments --------- x : np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame or xr.DataArray Returns ------- np.ndarray The numerical values of ``x`` as a numpy array. """ if is_xarray(x): return if is_dataframe(x): return x.values return np.asarray(x) def is_labelled_cp(cp_tensor): """Check if a cp tensor is labelled or not Arguments --------- cp_tensor : tuple TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first argument and an iterable of factor matrices as second argument Returns ------- bool Whether the factor matrices are labelled or not Raises ------ TypeError If only some of the factor matrices are labelled (i.e. not none or all). """ num_dataframes = 0 for factor_matrix in cp_tensor[1]: if is_dataframe(factor_matrix): num_dataframes += 1 if num_dataframes == 0: return False elif num_dataframes == len(cp_tensor[1]): return True else: raise TypeError( f"{num_dataframes} out of {len(cp_tensor[1])} factor matrices are labelled (are DataFrames)." + " All or none should be labelled." ) def is_labelled_tucker(tucker_tensor): """Check if a Tucker tensor is labelled or not Arguments --------- tucker_tensor : tuple TensorLy-style TuckerTensor object or tuple with the core array as the first argument and an iterable of factor matrices as second argument Returns ------- bool Whether the factor matrices are labelled or not Raises ------ TypeError If only some of the factor matrices are labelled (i.e. not none or all). """ return is_labelled_cp(tucker_tensor) # The weights are not considered for cp, neither is the core array for tucker def is_labelled_dataset(x): """Returns True if the dataset is labelled (is a DataFrame or DataArray). This function is the same as writing ``is_dataframe(x) or is_xarray(x)``. Parameters ---------- x Variable to check Returns ------- bool Whether ``x`` is labelled or not. """ # TOTEST: is_labeled_dataset return is_dataframe(x) or is_xarray(x) def _extract_df_metadata(df, preserve_columns=True): values = df.values if preserve_columns: metadata = {"index": df.index, "columns": df.columns} else: metadata = {"index": df.index} return values, metadata # TODO: Make public? def _unlabel_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, optional, preserve_columns): if cp_tensor is None and optional: return None, None elif cp_tensor is None: raise TypeError("cp_tensor cannot be None") weights, factors = cp_tensor # Check that factor matrices are valid is_labelled = is_dataframe(factors[0]) for factor in factors: if is_dataframe(factor) != is_labelled: raise ValueError("All factor matrices must either be labelled or not labelled.") if not is_labelled: return (weights, factors), None unlabelled_factors = [] factor_metadata = [] for factor in factors: factor, metadata = _extract_df_metadata(factor, preserve_columns=preserve_columns) unlabelled_factors.append(factor) factor_metadata.append(metadata) return (weights, unlabelled_factors), factor_metadata def _relabel_cp_tensor(cp_tensor, factor_metadata, optional): if cp_tensor is None and optional: return if factor_metadata is None: return cp_tensor weights, factors = cp_tensor labelled_factors = [] for factor, metadata in zip(factors, factor_metadata): labelled_factors.append(pd.DataFrame(factor, **metadata)) return weights, labelled_factors def _unlabel_factor_matrix(factor_matrix, optional, preserve_columns): if factor_matrix is None and optional: return None, None if not is_dataframe(factor_matrix): return factor_matrix, None return _extract_df_metadata(factor_matrix, preserve_columns=preserve_columns) def _relabel_factor_matrix(factor_matrix, factor_metadata, optional): if factor_matrix is None and optional: return if factor_metadata is None: return factor_matrix return pd.DataFrame(factor_matrix, **factor_metadata) def _unlabel_dataset(dataset, optional): if optional and dataset is None: return None, None, None elif dataset is None: # Not optional and dataset is None raise TypeError("Dataset cannot be None") if is_xarray(dataset): np_dataset = dataset.values dataset_constructor = xr.DataArray dataset_metadata = { "name":, "coords": dataset.coords, "dims": dataset.dims, "attrs": dataset.attrs, } elif is_dataframe(dataset): np_dataset = dataset.values dataset_constructor = pd.DataFrame dataset_metadata = { "index": dataset.index, "columns": dataset.columns, } else: np_dataset = dataset dataset_constructor = np.array dataset_metadata = {} return np_dataset, dataset_constructor, dataset_metadata def _relabel_dataset(np_dataset, dataset_constructor, dataset_metadata, optional): if optional and np_dataset is None: return return dataset_constructor(np_dataset, **dataset_metadata) def _handle_labelled_cp(cp_tensor_name, output_cp_tensor_index, optional=False, preserve_columns=True): def decorator(func): _check_is_argument(func, cp_tensor_name) @wraps(func) def func2(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs) cp_tensor = bound_arguments.arguments.get(cp_tensor_name, None) if cp_tensor is not None: validate_cp_tensor(cp_tensor) cp_tensor_unlabelled, cp_tensor_metadata = _unlabel_cp_tensor( cp_tensor, optional=optional, preserve_columns=preserve_columns ) bound_arguments.arguments[cp_tensor_name] = cp_tensor_unlabelled out = func(*bound_arguments.args, **bound_arguments.kwargs) if output_cp_tensor_index is _SINGLETON: out = _relabel_cp_tensor(out, cp_tensor_metadata, optional=optional) elif output_cp_tensor_index is not None: out_cp_tensor = _relabel_cp_tensor(out[output_cp_tensor_index], cp_tensor_metadata, optional=optional) out = ( *out[:output_cp_tensor_index], out_cp_tensor, *out[output_cp_tensor_index + 1 :], ) return out return func2 return decorator def _handle_labelled_dataset(dataset_name, output_dataset_index, optional=False): def decorator(func): _check_is_argument(func, dataset_name) @wraps(func) def func2(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs) if optional and dataset_name not in bound_arguments.arguments: return func(*bound_arguments.args, **bound_arguments.kwargs) dataset = bound_arguments.arguments[dataset_name] dataset_unlabelled, dataset_constructor, dataset_metadata = _unlabel_dataset(dataset, optional=optional) bound_arguments.arguments[dataset_name] = dataset_unlabelled out = func(*bound_arguments.args, **bound_arguments.kwargs) if output_dataset_index is _SINGLETON: out = _relabel_dataset(out, dataset_constructor, dataset_metadata, optional=optional) elif output_dataset_index is not None: out_dataset = _relabel_dataset( out[output_dataset_index], dataset_constructor, dataset_metadata, optional=optional ) out = ( *out[:output_dataset_index], out_dataset, *out[output_dataset_index + 1 :], ) return out return func2 return decorator def _handle_labelled_factor_matrix( factor_matrix_name, output_factor_matrix_index, optional=False, preserve_columns=True ): def decorator(func): _check_is_argument(func, factor_matrix_name) @wraps(func) def func2(*args, **kwargs): bound_arguments = signature(func).bind(*args, **kwargs) factor_matrix = bound_arguments.arguments.get(factor_matrix_name, None) factor_matrix_unlabelled, factor_matrix_metadata = _unlabel_factor_matrix( factor_matrix, optional=optional, preserve_columns=preserve_columns ) bound_arguments.arguments[factor_matrix_name] = factor_matrix_unlabelled out = func(*bound_arguments.args, **bound_arguments.kwargs) if output_factor_matrix_index is _SINGLETON: out = _relabel_factor_matrix(out, factor_matrix_metadata, optional=optional) elif output_factor_matrix_index is not None: out_factor_matrix = _relabel_factor_matrix( out[output_factor_matrix_index], factor_matrix_metadata, optional=optional, ) out = ( *out[:output_factor_matrix_index], out_factor_matrix, *out[output_factor_matrix_index + 1 :], ) return out return func2 return decorator