Multi-model evaluation


get_model_with_lowest_error(cp_tensors, dataset)

Compute reconstruction error for all cp_tensors and return model with lowest error.

similarity_evaluation(cp_tensor, ...[, ...])

Compute similarities between cp_tensor and all comparison_cp_tensors.

sort_models_by_error(cp_tensors, dataset[, ...])

Sort the cp_tensors by their error so the model with the lowest error is first.

tlviz.multimodel_evaluation.get_model_with_lowest_error(cp_tensors, dataset, error_function=None, return_index=False, return_errors=False)[source]

Compute reconstruction error for all cp_tensors and return model with lowest error.

This is useful to select the best initialisation if several random initialisations are used to fit the model. By default, the relative SSE is used, but another error function can be used too.

cp_tensorslist of CPTensors

List of all CP tensors to compare


Dataset modelled by the CP tensors

error_functionCallable (optional)

Callable with the signature error_function(cp_tensor, dataset), that should return a measure of the modelling error (e.g. SSE). Default is relative SSE.

return_indexbool (optional, default=False)

If True, then the index of the CP tensor with the lowest error is returned

return_errorsbool (optional, defult=False)

if True, then a list of errors for each CP tensor is returned.


The CP tensor with the lowest error


The index of the selected CP tensor in cp_tensors. Only returned if return_index=True.


List of the error values for all CP tensors in cp_tensor (in the same order as cp_tensors). only returned if return_errors=True


Here, we illustrate how get_model_with_lowest_error can be used to get the selected model from a collection of model candidates, and how we can also get the errors for all model candidates and the index of the selected initialisation.

We start by importing the relevant functionality

>>> from tlviz.multimodel_evaluation import sort_models_by_error, get_model_with_lowest_error
>>> from tlviz.model_evaluation import relative_sse
>>> from import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tlviz.factor_tools import check_cp_tensor_equal
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac

Then, we create a simulated dataset and fit five model candidates using different random initialisations.

>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, noise_level=0.3, seed=0)
>>> model_candidates = [
...     parafac(dataset, 3, init="random", random_state=i)
...     for i in range(5)
... ]

Once we have the model candidates, we use get_model_with_lowest_error. By default this function will only return the selected model, but in this case, we ask it to return the index of the selected model and the errors of all model candidates.

>>> model, index, errors = get_model_with_lowest_error(model_candidates, dataset, return_index=True, return_errors=True)
>>> print(f"Model {index} has lowest error")
Model 3 has lowest error

We can check that the selected model is the model with the init we got

>>> check_cp_tensor_equal(model, model_candidates[index])

And that it is the model that has the lowest error

>>> errors[index] == min(errors)

And finally that this error is equal to the relative SSE

>>> errors[index] == relative_sse(model, dataset)
tlviz.multimodel_evaluation.similarity_evaluation(cp_tensor, comparison_cp_tensors, similarity_metric=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute similarities between cp_tensor and all comparison_cp_tensors.

cp_tensorCPTensor or tuple

TensorLy-style CPTensor object or tuple with weights as first argument and a tuple of components as second argument

comparison_cp_tensorsList[CPTensor or tuple]

List of TensorLy-style CPTensors to compare with

similarity_metricCallable[CPTensor, CPTensor, **kwargs] -> float

Function that takes two CPTensors as input and returns their similarity


Extra keyword-arguments passed to similarity_metric.



In this example, we will fit several PARAFAC models to a simulated dataset and use similarity_evaluation to compute the similarities between the different fitted models and the model that obtained the lowest error.

We start by importing the relevant functionality

>>> from tlviz.multimodel_evaluation import sort_models_by_error, similarity_evaluation
>>> from import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac

Then, we create a random simulated dataset and fit five parafac models to it.

>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, seed=0)
>>> model_candidates = [
...     parafac(dataset, 3, init="random", random_state=i)
...     for i in range(5)
... ]

Finally, we sort the models by their errors and compute the similarity between each model and the model that obtained the lowest error.

>>> sorted_model_candidates, errors = sort_models_by_error(model_candidates, dataset)
>>> similarities = similarity_evaluation(sorted_model_candidates[0], sorted_model_candidates[1:])
>>> for i, s in enumerate(similarities):
...     print(f"Similarity between the model with the lowest loss and the model with the {i+2}. lowest loss: {s:.2}")
Similarity between the model with the lowest loss and the model with the 2. lowest loss: 0.99
Similarity between the model with the lowest loss and the model with the 3. lowest loss: 0.98
Similarity between the model with the lowest loss and the model with the 4. lowest loss: 0.68
Similarity between the model with the lowest loss and the model with the 5. lowest loss: 0.42

We see that the three models with the lowest error were very similar, which indicates that the model is stable.

tlviz.multimodel_evaluation.sort_models_by_error(cp_tensors, dataset, error_function=None)[source]

Sort the cp_tensors by their error so the model with the lowest error is first.

cp_tensorslist of CPTensors

List of all CP tensors


Dataset modelled by the CP tensors

error_functionCallable (optional)

Callable with the signature error_function(cp_tensor, dataset), that should return a measure of the modelling error (e.g. SSE).

list of CPTensors

List of all CP tensors sorted so the CP tensor with the lowest error is first and highest error is last.

list of floats

List of error computed for each CP tensor (in sorted order)


Here, we see how sort_models_by_error can be useful to get a collection of model candidates in a logical order.

We start by importing the relevant functionality.

>>> from tlviz.multimodel_evaluation import sort_models_by_error, get_model_with_lowest_error
>>> from import simulated_random_cp_tensor
>>> from tensorly.decomposition import parafac

Then, we simulate a random dataset and fit five model candidates to it.

>>> cp_tensor, dataset = simulated_random_cp_tensor((10, 20, 30), 3, noise_level=0.3, seed=0)
>>> model_candidates = [
...     parafac(dataset, 3, init="random", random_state=0)
...     for i in range(5)
... ]

Next, we sort the models by the error.

>>> sorted_model_candidates, errors = sort_models_by_error(model_candidates, dataset)

Now, the first element in sorted_model_candidates should be equal to the model with the lowest error. Let’s double check by getting the model with the lowest error, and see which index it has.

>>> lowest_error_model = get_model_with_lowest_error(model_candidates, dataset)
>>> sorted_model_candidates.index(lowest_error_model)

Next, we can check if the errors are sorted

>>> errors == sorted(errors)