Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Marie Roald & Yngve Mardal Moe"

import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import xarray as xr
from import loadmat

from .utils import cp_to_tensor

__all__ = ["load_aminoacids", "load_oslo_city_bike", "download_city_bike"]

DATASET_PARENT = Path(__file__).parent / "datasets"

class ZipFile:
    def __init__(self, stream): = zipfile.ZipFile(stream)

    def contents(self):
        return [f.filename for f in]

    def extract_file(self, filename):
        file_contents =
        data = BytesIO(file_contents)
        return data

    def extract_all(self):
        return {filename: self.extract_file(filename) for filename in self.contents}

class RemoteZipFile(ZipFile):
    def __init__(self, url):
        req = requests.get(url)

[docs]def load_aminoacids(save_data=True): """Load the Aminoacids dataset from "PARAFAC. Tutorial and applications" by Rasmus Bro :cite:p:`bro1997parafac`. This is a fluoresence spectroscopy dataset well suited for PARAFAC analysis. The data stems from five samples with different amounts of the aminoacids tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. See here for more information about the data: Parameters ---------- save_data : bool (default=True) If ``True``, then the dataset is saved in ```` to avoid having to download it in the future. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray The Aminoacids dataset """ print("Loading Aminoacids dataset from:") print( "Bro, R, PARAFAC: Tutorial and applications, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems," + " 1997, 38, 149-171" ) filename = DOWNLOADED_PARENT / "aminoacids.nc4" if filename.is_file(): return xr.open_dataarray(filename) aminoacids_nested_zip = RemoteZipFile("") aminoacids_zip = ZipFile(aminoacids_nested_zip.extract_file("")) matlab_variables = loadmat(aminoacids_zip.extract_file("amino.mat")) I, K, J = matlab_variables["DimX"].squeeze().astype(int) X = matlab_variables["X"].reshape(I, J, K) emission_frequencies = matlab_variables["EmAx"].squeeze() excitation_frequencies = matlab_variables["ExAx"].squeeze() coords_dict = { "Sample": list(range(I)), "Emission frequency": emission_frequencies, "Excitation frequency": excitation_frequencies, } dims = ["Sample", "Excitation frequency", "Emission frequency"] data = xr.DataArray(X, dims=dims, coords=coords_dict) if save_data: DOWNLOADED_PARENT.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) data.to_netcdf(filename) return data
[docs]def load_oslo_city_bike(): """Download bike data from the bike sharing system in Oslo 2020-2021. The dataset is a five-way tensor with modes: * Bike station id * Year * Month * Day of week * Hour of day where the elements corresponds to the number of trips ending in a given time period and station. For example, the index ``377, 2020, 5, 1, 13`` corresponds to the number of trips that ended at station 377 at 1pm (CET time) on Mondays in May of 2020. The data was collected using the open API of Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Data array whose data is the dataset and coordinates are bike station ID, year, month, day of week and hour of day. There are also three metadata-coordinates along the "Bike station ID"-axis containing latitudes, longitudes and station names. """ nc4_file = DATASET_PARENT / "oslo_bike.nc4" return xr.load_dataarray(nc4_file)
[docs]def download_city_bike(source="", years=(2020, 2021)): """Download bike data from the bike sharing system in Oslo. The dataset is a five-way tensor with modes: * Bike station id * Year * Month * Day of week * Hour of day where the elements corresponds to the number of trips ending in a given time period and station. For example, the index ``377, 2020, 5, 1, 13`` corresponds to the number of trips that ended at station 377 at 1pm (CET time) on Mondays in May of 2020. The data was collected using the open urbansharing API. Parameters ---------- source : str String to download data from. The API endpoint becomes:{source}/trips/v1/{year}/{month:02d}.csv Some end-points that are known to work are: * * * years : iterable of int The years to download data from. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Data array whose data is the dataset and coordinates are bike station ID, year, month, day of week and hour of day. There are also three metadata-coordinates along the "Bike station ID"-axis containing latitudes, longitudes and station names. """ end_data = [] lat = {} lon = {} name = {} for year in years: print(f"Loading {year}", flush=True) for month in range(12): month += 1 df = pd.read_csv(f"{source}/trips/v1/{year}/{month:02d}.csv") # station_names = sorted(set(df["start_station_name"]) | set(df["end_station_name"])) df["ended_at"] = df["ended_at"].map(lambda x: x if "." in x else ".000000+".join(x.split("+"))) df["ended_at"] = pd.to_datetime(df["ended_at"], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f+00:00") df["ended_at"] = df["ended_at"].dt.tz_localize("UTC") df["ended_at"] = df["ended_at"].dt.tz_convert("CET") end_time = df["ended_at"].dt df["trip"] = 1 df["Day"] = df["Day of week"] = end_time.dayofweek df["Hour"] = end_time.hour df["Month"] = end_time.month df["Year"] = end_time.year df = df.rename({"end_station_id": "End station ID"}, axis=1) for _, row in df.iterrows(): lat[row["End station ID"]] = row["end_station_latitude"] lon[row["End station ID"]] = row["end_station_longitude"] name[row["End station ID"]] = row["end_station_name"] end = df.groupby(["End station ID", "Year", "Month", "Day of week", "Hour"]).sum()[["trip"]] end_data.append(end) grouped = pd.concat(end_data).groupby(level=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)).sum() dataset = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(grouped).to_array().squeeze() # Drop trips that started in the last year of interest and ended the year after unwanted_years = set(dataset.coords["Year"].values) - set(years) for year in unwanted_years: dataset = dataset.drop(year, "Year") # Set equal to 0 for all hours with no trips dataset.values[np.isnan(dataset.values)] = 0 # Add station metadata lat = [lat[station_id.item()] for station_id in dataset.coords["End station ID"]] lon = [lon[station_id.item()] for station_id in dataset.coords["End station ID"]] name = [name[station_id.item()] for station_id in dataset.coords["End station ID"]] dataset = xr.DataArray(, coords={ **{key: value for key, value in dataset.coords.items() if key != "variable"}, "lat": (("End station ID",), lat), "lon": (("End station ID",), lon), "name": (("End station ID",), name), }, dims=dataset.dims, name="Bike trips", ) return dataset
def simulated_random_cp_tensor(shape, rank, noise_level=0.1, labelled=False, seed=None): """Create a random noisy CP tensor. The factor matrices and weights have uniformly distributed elements and the noise is normally distributed with magnitude ``noise_level * tl.norm(X)``, where ``X`` is the datatensor represented by the decomposition. Parameters ---------- shape : iterable of ints The shape of the data tensor rank : int The number of components noise_level : float Relative magnitude of the noise compared to the magnitude of the data. seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], np.random.SeedSequence, np.random.BitGenerator, np.random.Generator} Seed for numpy random number generator Returns ------- cp_tensor CP tensor that represents the simulated dataset np.ndarray Dense tensor with noise added """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) weights = rng.random(size=rank) factors = [rng.random(size=(length, rank)) for length in shape] if labelled: for i, factor in enumerate(factors): factors[i] = pd.DataFrame(factor) factors[i] = f"Mode {i}" cp = weights, factors X = cp_to_tensor(cp) noise = rng.standard_normal(size=shape) X_noisy = X + np.linalg.norm(X) * noise_level * noise / np.linalg.norm(noise) return cp, X_noisy # TODO: Add more example datasets # TODO: Enron data