Backend System

The TensorLy backend system allows for switching between multiple backends in a thread-local way. You can obtain the back that is currently being used with the get_backend() function:

>>> import tensorly as tl
>>> tl.get_backend()

You may set the backend globally with the set_backend() function:

>>> tl.set_backend('tensorflow')
>>> tl.get_backend()

Setting the backend is local to the thread that set_backend() is executed on. This enables third-party packages (e.g. Dask) to parallelize operations over multiple backends, as needed. Threads inherit the backend from the thread that spawned them (which is typically the main thread). Globally setting the backend supports interactive usage.

Additionally, we provide a context manager backend_context for convenience, whcih may be used to safely use a backend only for limited context:

>>> with tl.backend_context('pytorch'):
...     pass

This is also thread-safe. The context manager approach is useful in third-party libraries that wish to ensure a particular backend is used, no matter what the global backend is set to at the time the library code is executed.

How the Backend System Works

The Backend class

A backend is represented as a class, which implements the various functions needed (e.g. transpose, clip, etc).

A base class tensorly.backend.core.Backend is given in tensorly/backend/, which implement staticmethods of the common TensorLy API (e.g. tensor, fold, norm, etc.). It will also provide some useful functions by default (e.g. kron, kr).

This base class should be subclassed when defining a new backend.

Loading a backend

The logic for loading is in tensorly/backend/ A cache of already loaded backend is maintained as in a dictionary _LOADED_BACKENDS (the keys of which are the backends’ names and the values the actual backend classes).

When a backend is set (by calling tensorly.backend.set_backend), the backend specific module (called``tensorly.backend.{name}_backend``) is loaded if the backend has not already been loaded and set as the current backend.

If the backend name is not in _LOADED_BACKENDS, the corresponding backend module (tensorly.backend.{name}_backend) is dynamically imported (via importlib) by the the tensorly.backend.register_backend function.

Once the backend is loaded, it is grabbed from the internal cache (tensorly.backend.core._LOADED_BACKENDS) and set as the current backend (tensorly.backend.core._STATE.backend). Note that tensorly.backend.core._STATE.backend is a thread-local storage.

Backend function’s dispatching

The TensorLy API functions are then dynamically farmed out to the backend staticmethods via the dispatching mechanism provided by tensorly.backend.core.dispatch. This ensure that the API function is wrapped such that it has the correct docstring, name, function signature, and other required minutia.

Additionally, the modules themselves are also wrapped such that certain global (module-level) variables ar dynamically dispatched as well, like property or other class descriptors. This is to ensure that variables such as int32 or float64 point to the correct, backend-specific object. For example, numpy’s np.int32 and tensorflow’s tf.int32 are not compatible.

The dynamic dispatch of these module-level varaibles is implemented by the tensorly.backend.override_module_dispatch function. This is done in two ways:

  • For Python >= 3.7.0: using module’s _getattr__ and __dir__ as defined by

    PEP 562

  • For Python < 3.7.0: by overwriting

    sys.modules[module_name].__class__ with a custom class, subclassing types.ModuleType for which we have overrridden the __getitem__ and __dir__ methods.