Source code for tensorly.plugins

import tensorly as tl

# Author: Jean Kossaifi


[docs]def use_default_einsum(): """Revert to the original einsum for the current backend""" global PREVIOUS_EINSUM if PREVIOUS_EINSUM is not None: tl.backend.BackendManager.register_backend_method("einsum", PREVIOUS_EINSUM) PREVIOUS_EINSUM = None
[docs]def use_opt_einsum(optimize="auto-hq"): """Plugin to use opt-einsum [1]_ to precompute (and cache) a better contraction path Examples -------- >>> import tensorly as tl Use your favourite backend, here PyTorch: >>> tl.set_backend('pytorch') Use the convenient backend system to automatically dispatch all tenalg operations to einsum >>> from tensorly import tenalg >>> tenalg.set_backend('einsum') Now you can transparently cache the optimal contraction path, transparently: >>> from tensorly import plugins >>> plugins.use_opt_einsum() That's it! You can revert to the original einsum just as easily: >>> plugings.use_default_einsum() Revert to the original tensor algebra backend: >>> tenalg.set_backend('core') References ---------- .. [1] Daniel G. A. Smith and Johnnie Gray, opt_einsum, A Python package for optimizing contraction order for einsum-like expressions. Journal of Open Source Software, 2018, 3(26), 753 """ global PREVIOUS_EINSUM try: import opt_einsum as oe except ImportError as error: message = ( "Impossible to import opt-einsum.\n" "First install it:\n" "conda install opt_einsum -c conda-forge\n" " or pip install opt_einsum" ) raise ImportError(message) from error def cached_einsum(equation, *args): shapes = [tl.shape(arg) for arg in args] key = equation + "," + ",".join(f"{s}" for s in shapes) try: expression = OPT_EINSUM_PATH_CACHE[key] except KeyError: expression = oe.contract_expression(equation, *shapes, optimize=optimize) OPT_EINSUM_PATH_CACHE[key] = expression return expression(*args) if PREVIOUS_EINSUM is None: PREVIOUS_EINSUM = tl.backend.current_backend().einsum tl.backend.BackendManager.register_backend_method("einsum", cached_einsum)
[docs]def use_cuquantum(optimize="auto-hq"): """Plugin to use `cuQuantum <>`_ to precompute (and cache) a better contraction path Examples -------- >>> import tensorly as tl Use your favourite backend, here PyTorch: >>> tl.set_backend('pytorch') Use the convenient backend system to automatically dispatch all tenalg operations to einsum >>> from tensorly import tenalg >>> tenalg.set_backend('einsum') Now you can transparently cache the optimal contraction path, transparently: >>> from tensorly import plugins >>> plugins.use_cuquantum() That's it! Now opt-einsum will be used for finding an (near) optimal contraction path and cuQuantum will be used to actually perform the tensor contractions! You can revert to the original einsum just as easily: >>> plugings.use_default_einsum() Revert to the original tensor algebra backend: >>> tenalg.set_backend('core') """ global PREVIOUS_EINSUM global CUQUANTUM_HANDLE # Import opt-einsum for the contraction path try: import opt_einsum as oe except ImportError as error: message = ( "Impossible to import opt-einsum.\n" "First install it:\n" "conda install opt_einsum -c conda-forge\n" " or pip install opt_einsum" ) raise ImportError(message) from error # Import cuQuantum for the actual contraction try: import cuquantum except ImportError as error: message = ( "Impossible to import cuquantum.\n" "First install it:\n" "conda install -c conda-forge cuquantum-python\n" " or pip install cuquantum-python" ) raise ImportError(message) from error if CUQUANTUM_HANDLE is None: CUQUANTUM_HANDLE = cuquantum.cutensornet.create() def cached_einsum(equation, *args): shapes = [tl.shape(arg) for arg in args] key = equation + "," + ",".join(f"{s}" for s in shapes) try: path = CUQUANTUM_PATH_CACHE[key] except KeyError: path, _ = oe.contract_path(equation, *args, optimize=optimize) CUQUANTUM_PATH_CACHE[key] = path network = cuquantum.Network( equation, *args, options={"handle": CUQUANTUM_HANDLE} ) network.contract_path(optimize={"path": path}) return network.contract() # return cuquantum.contract(equation, *args, optimize={'path': path}) if PREVIOUS_EINSUM is None: PREVIOUS_EINSUM = tl.backend.current_backend().einsum tl.backend.BackendManager.register_backend_method("einsum", cached_einsum)