Source code for tlquantum.tt_state

import tensorly as tl
from opt_einsum import contract

# Author: Taylor Lee Patti <>

# License: BSD 3 clause

[docs]def spins_to_tt_state(spins, device='cpu'): """Generates tt-tensor state of computational basis product space described by spins. Parameters ---------- spins : List/tensor of ints (0's and 1's), spin values Returns ------- tt-tensor product state in computational basis """ state = list(map(_spin_to_qubit, spins[1:-1])) if spins[0] == 0: #Single spin 0 core in tt-tensor format at initial position state = [tl.tensor([[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]])] + state else: #Single spin 1 core in tt-tensor format at initial position state = [tl.tensor([[[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]])] + state if spins[-1] == 0: #Single spin 0 core in tt-tensor format at final position state = state + [tl.tensor([[[1.], [0.]], [[0.], [0.]]])] else: #Single spin 1 core in tt-tensor format at final position state = state + [tl.tensor([[[0.], [1.]], [[0.], [0.]]])] if device=='cpu': return state else: return [ for core in state]
def _spin_to_qubit(spin): """Matches computational basis spin (0 or 1) to corresponding tt-tensor core. Parameters ---------- spin : int (0 or 1), spin value Returns ------- tt-tensor core """ if spin == 0: #Single spin 0 core in tt-tensor format at central position return tl.tensor([[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]]]) else: #Single spin 1 core in tt-tensor format at central position return tl.tensor([[[0., 1.], [1., 0.]], [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]]])
[docs]def tt_norm(tensor): """The norm of a TT-tensor state. Parameters ---------- state : tt-tensor, input state to be evolved by unitary Returns ------- float, modulo squared of tensor """ ncores, eq1, eq2, start = len(tensor.shape), [], [], ord('a') for n in range(ncores): idx = [start+2*n, start+1+2*n, start+2+2*n] eq1.append(''.join(chr(j) for j in idx)) if n != 0: idx[0] += 2*ncores if n != ncores-1: idx[2] += 2*ncores eq2.append(''.join(chr(j) for j in idx)) return tl.sqrt(contract(','.join(i for i in eq1+eq2), *tensor, *tensor))