Source code for tlquantum.density_tensor

from ._abs_density_tensor import AbsDensityTensor
import tensorly as tl
import tensorly.metrics as tlm

# Author: Taylor Lee Patti <>

# License: BSD 3 clause

[docs]class DensityTensor(AbsDensityTensor): """A quantum state container for state and density matrix operations, including partial traces and quantum information metric calculations. Parameters ---------- tensor : tt-tensor, state or density matrix subsystems : list of ints, system sizes in correspondence of the size of tensor Returns ------- DensityTensor """ def __init__(self, tensor, subsystems): super().__init__() self.tensor = tensor self.subsystems, self.op_type = self._validate_subsystems(subsystems) def __getitem__(self, index): if index == 0: return self.tensor elif index == 1: return self.subsystems elif index == 2: return self.op_type else: raise IndexError('DensityTensor has no index {}.\n' 'DensityTensor is object of two indices: tensor and subsystems.'.format(index)) def __setitem__(self, index, value): if index == 0: self.tensor = value elif index == 1: self.subsystems, self.op_type = self._validate_subsystems(subsystems) #_validate_subsystems(value) elif index == 2: raise IndexError('Operator type is determined by subsystems and can be updated by updating subsystems.') else: raise IndexError('DensityTensor has no index {}.\n' 'DensityTensor is object of two indices: tensor and subsystems.'.format(index)) def __delitem__(self, index, value): if index == 0: self.tensor = None if index == 1: self.subsystems = None self.op_type = None if index == 2: raise IndexError('Operator type is determined by subsystems and can be updated by updating subsystems.') else: raise IndexError('DensityTensor has no index {}.\n' 'DensityTensor is object of two indices: tensor and subsystems.'.format(index)) def __iter__(self): yield self.tensor yield self.subsystems yield self.op_type def __len__(self): return 2 def __repr__(self): message = 'DensityTensor in {} form of dimensions {} and subsystems {}.'.format(self.op_type, self.tensor.shape, self.subsystems) return message
[docs] def partial_trace_dm(self, kept_indices): """Partial trace for density matrix. Parameters ---------- kept_indices : list of int, indices to not trace over and keep for ptrace Returns ------- DensityTensor, result of partial trace """ num_subsystems = len(self.subsystems[0]) traced_indices = [index for index in range(num_subsystems) if index not in kept_indices] new_subsystems = [self.subsystems[0][index] for index in range(num_subsystems) if index in kept_indices] rho = _partial_trace(self.tensor, traced_indices, num_subsystems) rho = tl.reshape(rho, tuple(new_subsystems*2)) return DensityTensor(rho, [new_subsystems, new_subsystems])
[docs] def partial_trace_state(self, kept_indices): """Partial trace for state vector. Parameters ---------- kept_indices : list of int, indices to not trace over and keep for partial trace Returns ------- DensityTensor, result of partial trace """ traced_index = [index for index in range(len(self.subsystems[0])) if index not in kept_indices][0] temp_ket = self.tensor temp_subsystems = self.subsystems if self.op_type == 'bra': temp_ket = tl.transpose(tl.transpose(temp_ket)) temp_subsystems = temp_subsystems[::-1] temp_ket = tl.reshape(temp_ket, tuple(temp_subsystems[0])) #because we don't enforce that tensor shape match subsystems temp_ket = tl.unfold(temp_ket, traced_index) temp_ket =, tl.conj(temp_ket)) #reduced_row, update to make DensityTensor of proper dimensions new_subsystems = [temp_subsystems[0][index] for index in kept_indices] temp_ket = tl.reshape(temp_ket, tuple(new_subsystems*2)) return DensityTensor(temp_ket, [new_subsystems, new_subsystems])
[docs] def vonneumann_entropy(self, kept_indices): """Von Neumann entropy for the partial trace of the density tensor. Parameters ---------- kept_indices : list of int, indices to not trace over and keep for partial trace Returns ------- float, Von Neumann entropy of specified partial trace """ dm = self.partial_trace(kept_indices)[0] square_dim = int(tl.sqrt( return tlm.vonneumann_entropy(tl.reshape(dm, (square_dim, square_dim)))
[docs] def mutual_information(self, kept_indices1, kept_indices2): """Mutual Information for the partial traces of the specified kept indices. Parameters ---------- kept_indices1 : list of int, indices to not trace over and keep for partial trace kept_indices2 : list of int, indices to not trace over and keep for partial trace Returns ------- float, Mutual Information of specified partial traces """ return self.vonneumann_entropy(kept_indices1) + self.vonneumann_entropy(kept_indices2) - self.vonneumann_entropy(kept_indices1+kept_indices2)
def _partial_trace(tensor, traced_dims, num_subsystems): """Traces over density matrix of qubits producing density matrix of partial trace. Parameters ---------- tensor : torch tensor of floats, density matrix to be partially traced over traced_dims : list of ints, qubit indices to trace over num_subsystems : int, number of subsystems in tensor Returns ------- torch tensor of floats, partial trace of tensor """ start = ord('a') all_modes1 = [chr(start+i) for i in range(num_subsystems)] all_modes2 = [chr(start+i+num_subsystems) for i in range(num_subsystems)] for dim in range(num_subsystems): if dim in traced_dims: all_modes2[dim] = all_modes1[dim] all_modes1 = ''.join(all_modes1) all_modes2 = ''.join(all_modes2) inds_initial = all_modes1+all_modes2 inds_final = [all_modes1[iii] for iii in range(num_subsystems) if iii not in traced_dims] inds_final = ''.join(inds_final + [all_modes2[iii] for iii in range(num_subsystems) if iii not in traced_dims]) return tl.einsum(inds_initial + '->' + inds_final, tensor)