
All contributions are welcome! So if you have a cool tensor method you want to add, if you spot a bug or even a typo or mistake in the documentation, please report it, and even better, open a Pull-Request!


To make sure the contribution is relevant and is not already worked on, you can open an issue or talk to us on Gitter!

To add code of fix issues in TensorLy, you will want to open a Pull-Request on the Github repository of the project.


For each function or class, we expect helpful docstrings in the NumPy format, as well as unit-tests to make sure it is working as expected (especially helpful for future refactoring to make sure no exising code is broken!)

Before you submit your changes, you should also make sure your code adheres to our style-guide. The easiest way to do this is with black:

pip install black
black .

Check the existing code for examples, and don’t hesitate to contact the developers if you are unsure!

Backend compatibility

To contribute code to the TensorLy code-base, you must ensure compatibility with all the backends.


We want algorithms to run transparently with all the TensorLy backends (NumPy, PyTorch, TensorLy, JAX, CuPy) and any other backend added later on!

This means you should only use TensorLy functions, never directly a function from the backend e.g. use tl.mean, not numpy.mean or torch.mean.

To do so, we only use functions wrapped in tensorly.backend, such as tensorly.backend.tensordot, etc. If the function you need doesn’t exist, either try using other existing ones, or, if you cannot do otherwise, add the required function to all backends.


In general, you should not use backend specific code, by testing for the backend. e.g. Do not include statements such as if tensorly.get_backend() == 'pytorch' in your code.

In practice

Practically, use the wrapped functions. For instance:

import tensorly as tl
import numpy as np
tensor = tl.tensor(np.random.random((10, 10, 10)))

min_value = tl.min(tensor)

min_value = np.min(tensor) # Don't do it!

The reason is that you do not want your code to be restricted to any of the backends. You might be using NumPy but another user might be using JAX and calling a NumPy function on an JAX NDArray will most likely fail.

Context of a tensor

An other aspect, when developing a new function or algorithm, is to make sure you perform the computation on the correct context specified by the user. To do so, always get the context from tensors you get as input, and use it for the tensors you create.

context = tl.context(tensor)
# when creating a new tensor we use these as parameters
new_tensor = tl.tensor(tensor + 2, **context)

Check-out the page on TensorLy’s backend system for more on this.

Index assignment (“NumPy style”)

In NumPy and PyTorch, you can combined indexing and assignment in a convenient way, e.g. if you have a tensor t, you can update its values for given indices using the expression t[indices] = values.

Unfortunately, this is not supported by TensorFlow or JAX. As a result, if you want to do this, you should use tensorly.index_update and tensorly.index. For instance, the previous statement becomes, in TensorLy: t = tensorly.index_update(t, tensorly.index[indices], values).

Testing the class interface

Because TensorLy supports both a functional and an object-oriented interface, we should ensure that any change to one interface is also applied to the other interface. To automatically test for this, we have a test utility tensorly.testing.assert_class_wrapper_correctly_passes_arguments, which checks that all keyword arguments of the functional interface are available from the object-oriented interface. Here is an example that shows how you can use this utility:

from tensorly.decomposition import parafac, CP

def test_cp(monkeypatch):
   assert_class_wrapper_correctly_passes_arguments(monkeypatch, parafac, CP, ignore_args={'return_errors'}, rank=3)

This code will check that all arguments of the parafac function (except return_errors) can also be passed to the CP class, and that the input arguments to the CP class are forwarded to the parafac function. Notice that the test_cp function takes an argument: monkeypatch. This lets PyTest know that we are planning to perform monkeypatching (more about that later), and that it should give us a utility object for this purpose. It is therefore essential that one of the arguments of the test function is monkeypatch and that this variable is passed as the first argument to assert_class_wrapper_correctly_passes_arguments.

How the class wrapper test works

This test utility works because it uses the fact that the object-oriented interface calls the functional interface behind the scenes. To automatically test the interfaces, the tensorly.testing.assert_class_wrapper_correctly_passes_arguments function inspects the functional interface and notes down all possible arguments. Then, it monkeypatches the functional interface with a mock function. In other words, the functional interface is temporarily replaced with a mock function that, instead of fitting a tensor decomposition, asserts that every possible argument is given a particular placeholder value.

Since the object-oriented interface uses the functional one behind the scenes, we can then use the object-oriented interface to fit a model and send in placeholder values for each possible argument of the functional interface. Then, the monkeypatched code will check that the placeholder value is passed to the functional interface for each argument. Finally, the functional interface is reset to normal behaviour (fitting a tensor decomposition).