Installing tensorly


The only non-optional pre-requisite is to have Python installed.


TensorLy is developed/tested only for Python3!

If you are still using Python2, you probably want to upgrade!

If you are starting with Python or generally want a pain-free experience, I recommend you install the Anaconda distribiution. It comes with all you need shipped-in and ready to use!

Installing with Conda

You can also directly install tensorly using conda, from the tensorly channel:

conda install -c tensorly tensorly

And that is you done!

Cloning the github repository

Clone the repository and cd there:

git clone
cd tensorly

Then install the package (here in editable mode with -e or equivalently –editable:

pip install -e .

Running the tests

Uni-testing is an vital part of this package. You can run all the tests using pytest:

pytest tensorly

Compiling the documentation

You will need to install slimit and minify:

pip install slimit rcssmin

You are now ready to build the doc (here in html):

make html

The results will be in _build/html

Why Python 3?

Short answer: it’s 2018 (at the time of writing…)

Python 3 was first released 10 years ago and, while breaking compatibility, it improved a lot of things.

To quote the wiki:

Short version: Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language

In particular, have a look at the list of what’s new in Python (3)