"""Tensor Dropout for TensorModules"""
# Author: Jean Kossaifi
# License: BSD 3 clause
import tensorly as tl
import torch
from ..factorized_tensors import TuckerTensor, CPTensor, TTTensor
class TensorDropout():
"""Decomposition Hook for Tensor Dropout on FactorizedTensor
name : FactorizedTensor parameter on which to apply the dropout
proba : float, probability of dropout
min_dim : int
Minimum dimension size for which to apply dropout.
For instance, if a tensor if of shape (32, 32, 3, 3) and min_dim = 4
then dropout will *not* be applied to the last two modes.
_factorizations = dict()
def __init_subclass__(cls, factorization, **kwargs):
"""When a subclass is created, register it in _factorizations"""
cls._factorizations[factorization.__name__] = cls
def __init__(self, proba, min_dim=1, min_values=1, drop_test=False):
assert 0 <= proba < 1, f'Got prob={proba} but tensor dropout is defined for 0 <= proba < 1.'
self.proba = proba
self.min_dim = min_dim
self.min_values = min_values
self.drop_test = drop_test
def __call__(self, module, input, factorized_tensor):
return self._apply_tensor_dropout(factorized_tensor, training=module.training)
def _apply_tensor_dropout(self, factorized_tensor, training=True):
raise NotImplementedError()
def apply(cls, module, proba, min_dim=3, min_values=1, drop_test=False):
cls = cls._factorizations[module.__class__.__name__]
for k, hook in module._forward_hooks.items():
if isinstance(hook, cls):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot register two weight_norm hooks on "
"the same parameter")
dropout = cls(proba, min_dim=min_dim, min_values=min_values, drop_test=drop_test)
handle = module.register_forward_hook(dropout)
return handle
class TuckerDropout(TensorDropout, factorization=TuckerTensor):
def _apply_tensor_dropout(self, tucker_tensor, training=True):
if (not self.proba) or ((not training) and (not self.drop_test)):
return tucker_tensor
core, factors = tucker_tensor.core, tucker_tensor.factors
tucker_rank = tucker_tensor.rank
sampled_indices = []
for rank in tucker_rank:
idx = tl.arange(rank, device=core.device, dtype=torch.int64)
if rank > self.min_dim:
idx = idx[torch.bernoulli(torch.ones(rank, device=core.device)*(1 - self.proba),
out=torch.empty(rank, device=core.device, dtype=torch.bool))]
if len(idx) == 0:
idx = torch.randint(0, rank, size=(self.min_values, ), device=core.device, dtype=torch.int64)
if training:
core = core[torch.meshgrid(*sampled_indices)]*(1/((1 - self.proba)**core.ndim))
core = core[torch.meshgrid(*sampled_indices)]
factors = [factor[:, idx] for (factor, idx) in zip(factors, sampled_indices)]
return TuckerTensor(core, factors)
class CPDropout(TensorDropout, factorization=CPTensor):
def _apply_tensor_dropout(self, cp_tensor, training=True):
if (not self.proba) or ((not training) and (not self.drop_test)):
return cp_tensor
rank = cp_tensor.rank
device = cp_tensor.factors[0].device
if rank > self.min_dim:
sampled_indices = tl.arange(rank, device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
sampled_indices = sampled_indices[torch.bernoulli(torch.ones(rank, device=device)*(1 - self.proba),
out=torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=torch.bool))]
if len(sampled_indices) == 0:
sampled_indices = torch.randint(0, rank, size=(self.min_values, ), device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
factors = [factor[:, sampled_indices] for factor in cp_tensor.factors]
if training:
weights = cp_tensor.weights[sampled_indices]*(1/(1 - self.proba))
weights = cp_tensor.weights[sampled_indices]
return CPTensor(weights, factors)
class TTDropout(TensorDropout, factorization=TTTensor):
def _apply_tensor_dropout(self, tt_tensor, training=True):
if (not self.proba) or ((not training) and (not self.drop_test)):
return tt_tensor
device = tt_tensor.factors[0].device
sampled_indices = []
for i, rank in enumerate(tt_tensor.rank[1:]):
if rank > self.min_dim:
idx = tl.arange(rank, device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
idx = idx[torch.bernoulli(torch.ones(rank, device=device)*(1 - self.proba),
out=torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=torch.bool))]
if len(idx) == 0:
idx = torch.randint(0, rank, size=(self.min_values, ), device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
idx = tl.arange(rank, device=device, dtype=torch.int64).tolist()
sampled_factors = []
if training:
scaling = 1/(1 - self.proba)
scaling = 1
for i, f in enumerate(tt_tensor.factors):
if i == 0:
sampled_factors.append(f[..., sampled_indices[i]]*scaling)
elif i == (tt_tensor.order - 1):
sampled_factors.append(f[sampled_indices[i-1], ...])
sampled_factors.append(f[sampled_indices[i-1], ...][..., sampled_indices[i]]*scaling)
return TTTensor(sampled_factors)
def tensor_dropout(factorized_tensor, p=0, min_dim=3, min_values=1, drop_test=False):
"""Tensor Dropout
factorized_tensor : FactorizedTensor
the tensor module parametrized by the tensor decomposition to which to apply tensor dropout
p : float
dropout probability
if 0, no dropout is applied
if 1, all the components but 1 are dropped in the latent space
min_dim : int, default is 3
only apply dropout to modes with dimension larger than `min_dim`
min_values : int, default is 1
minimum number of components to select
the module to which tensor dropout has been attached
>>> tensor = FactorizedTensor.new((3, 4, 2), rank=0.5, factorization='CP').normal_()
>>> tensor = tensor_dropout(tensor, p=0.5)
>>> remove_tensor_dropout(tensor)
TensorDropout.apply(factorized_tensor, p, min_dim=min_dim, min_values=min_values, drop_test=drop_test)
return factorized_tensor
def remove_tensor_dropout(factorized_tensor):
"""Removes the tensor dropout from a TensorModule
factorized_tensor : tltorch.FactorizedTensor
the tensor module parametrized by the tensor decomposition to which to apply tensor dropout
>>> tensor = FactorizedTensor.new((3, 4, 2), rank=0.5, factorization='CP').normal_()
>>> tensor = tensor_dropout(tensor, p=0.5)
>>> remove_tensor_dropout(tensor)
for key, hook in factorized_tensor._forward_hooks.items():
if isinstance(hook, TensorDropout):
del factorized_tensor._forward_hooks[key]
return factorized_tensor
raise ValueError(f'TensorLasso not found in factorized tensor {factorized_tensor}')