Source code for tltorch.factorized_tensors.tensorized_matrices

import math
from import Iterable
import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

import tensorly as tl
from tensorly import tenalg
from tensorly.decomposition import tensor_train_matrix, parafac, tucker

from .core import TensorizedTensor, _ensure_tuple
from .factorized_tensors import CPTensor, TuckerTensor, DenseTensor
from ..utils.parameter_list import FactorList

einsum_symbols = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
einsum_symbols_set = set(einsum_symbols)

# Author: Jean Kossaifi
# License: BSD 3 clause

def is_tensorized_shape(shape):
    """Checks if a given shape represents a tensorized tensor."""
    if all(isinstance(s, int) for s in shape):
        return False
    return True

def tensorized_shape_to_shape(tensorized_shape):
    return [s if isinstance(s, int) else for s in tensorized_shape]

[docs] class DenseTensorized(DenseTensor, TensorizedTensor, name='Dense'): def __init__(self, tensor, tensorized_shape, rank=None): tensor_shape = sum([(e,) if isinstance(e, int) else tuple(e) for e in tensorized_shape], ()) # Modify only what varies from the Tensor case self.shape = tensorized_shape_to_shape(tensorized_shape) # For easier indexing # We actually store the tensor in the non-tensorized form tensor = tl.reshape(tensor, self.shape) super().__init__(tensor, tensor_shape, rank) self.order = len(tensor_shape) self.tensorized_shape = tensorized_shape
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, tensorized_shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): flattened_tensorized_shape = sum([[e] if isinstance(e, int) else list(e) for e in tensorized_shape], []) tensor = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(flattened_tensorized_shape, device=device, dtype=dtype)) return cls(tensor, tensorized_shape, rank=rank)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor, tensorized_shape, rank='same', **kwargs): return cls(nn.Parameter(tl.copy(tensor), tensorized_shape, rank=rank))
def __getitem__(self, indices): if not isinstance(indices, Iterable): indices = [indices] output_shape = [] #number of dimensions to combine for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape): if isinstance(shape, int): # We are indexing a "regular" mode if isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)): pass elif index == slice(None) or index == (): output_shape.append(shape) elif isinstance(index, Iterable): output_shape.append(len(index)) else: # We are indexing a tensorized mode if index == slice(None) or index == (): # Keeping all indices (:) output_shape.append(shape) else: if isinstance(index, slice): # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice # Convert into list max_index = index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index))) index = np.unravel_index(index, shape) output_shape.append(len(index[0])) # We loose the tensorization if indexing a tensorized dim output_shape += self.tensorized_shape[len(indices):] indexed_tensor = self.tensor[indices] shape = tl.shape(indexed_tensor) return self.__class__(indexed_tensor, tensorized_shape=output_shape)
[docs] class CPTensorized(CPTensor, TensorizedTensor, name='CP'): def __init__(self, weights, factors, tensorized_shape, rank=None): tensor_shape = sum([(e,) if isinstance(e, int) else tuple(e) for e in tensorized_shape], ()) super().__init__(weights, factors, tensor_shape, rank) # Modify only what varies from the Tensor case self.shape = tensorized_shape_to_shape(tensorized_shape) # self.tensor_shape = tensor_shape self.order = len(tensor_shape) self.tensorized_shape = tensorized_shape
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, tensorized_shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): flattened_tensorized_shape = sum([[e] if isinstance(e, int) else list(e) for e in tensorized_shape], []) rank = tl.cp_tensor.validate_cp_rank(flattened_tensorized_shape, rank) # Register the parameters weights = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=dtype)) # Avoid the issues with ParameterList factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty((s, rank), device=device, dtype=dtype)) for s in flattened_tensorized_shape] return cls(weights, factors, tensorized_shape, rank=rank)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor, tensorized_shape, rank='same', **kwargs): shape = tensor.shape rank = tl.cp_tensor.validate_cp_rank(shape, rank) dtype = tensor.dtype with torch.no_grad(): weights, factors = parafac(, rank, **kwargs) return cls(nn.Parameter(, [nn.Parameter( for f in factors], tensorized_shape, rank=rank)
def __getitem__(self, indices): if not isinstance(indices, Iterable): indices = [indices] output_shape = [] indexed_factors = [] factors = self.factors weights = self.weights for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape): if isinstance(shape, int): # We are indexing a "regular" mode factor, *factors = factors if isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)): weights = weights*factor[index, :] else: factor = factor[index, :] indexed_factors.append(factor) output_shape.append(factor.shape[0]) else: # We are indexing a tensorized mode if index == slice(None) or index == (): # Keeping all indices (:) indexed_factors.extend(factors[:len(shape)]) output_shape.append(shape) else: if isinstance(index, slice): # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice # Convert into list max_index = index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index))) if isinstance(index, Iterable): output_shape.append(len(index)) index = np.unravel_index(index, shape) # Index the whole tensorized shape, resulting in a single factor factor = 1 for idx, ff in zip(index, factors[:len(shape)]): factor *= ff[idx, :] if tl.ndim(factor) == 2: indexed_factors.append(factor) else: weights = weights*factor factors = factors[len(shape):] indexed_factors.extend(factors) output_shape.extend(self.tensorized_shape[len(indices):]) if indexed_factors: return self.__class__(weights, indexed_factors, tensorized_shape=output_shape) return tl.sum(weights)
class TuckerTensorized(TensorizedTensor, TuckerTensor, name='Tucker'): def __init__(self, core, factors, tensorized_shape, rank=None): tensor_shape = sum([(e,) if isinstance(e, int) else tuple(e) for e in tensorized_shape], ()) super().__init__(core, factors, tensor_shape, rank) # Modify only what varies from the Tensor case self.shape = tensorized_shape_to_shape(tensorized_shape) self.tensorized_shape = tensorized_shape @classmethod def new(cls, tensorized_shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): tensor_shape = sum([(e,) if isinstance(e, int) else tuple(e) for e in tensorized_shape], ()) rank = tl.tucker_tensor.validate_tucker_rank(tensor_shape, rank) # Register the parameters core = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=dtype)) # Avoid the issues with ParameterList factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty((s, r), device=device, dtype=dtype)) for (s, r) in zip(tensor_shape, rank)] return cls(core, factors, tensorized_shape, rank=rank) @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor, tensorized_shape, rank='same', fixed_rank_modes=None, **kwargs): shape = tensor.shape rank = tl.tucker_tensor.validate_tucker_rank(shape, rank, fixed_modes=fixed_rank_modes) with torch.no_grad(): core, factors = tucker(tensor, rank, **kwargs) return cls(nn.Parameter(core.contiguous()), [nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors], tensorized_shape, rank=rank) def __getitem__(self, indices): counter = 0 ndim = self.core.ndim new_ndim = 0 new_factors = [] out_shape = [] new_modes = [] core = self.core for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape): if isinstance(shape, int): if index is Ellipsis: raise ValueError(f'Ellipsis is not yet supported, yet got indices={indices}, indices[{i}]={index}.') factor = self.factors[counter] if isinstance(index, int): core = tenalg.mode_dot(core, factor[index, :], new_ndim) else: contracted = factor[index, :] new_factors.append(contracted) if contracted.shape[0] > 1: out_shape.append(shape) new_modes.append(new_ndim) new_ndim += 1 counter += 1 else: # Tensorized dimension n_tensorized_modes = len(shape) if index == slice(None) or index == (): new_factors.extend(self.factors[counter:counter+n_tensorized_modes]) out_shape.append(shape) new_modes.extend([new_ndim+i for i in range(n_tensorized_modes)]) new_ndim += n_tensorized_modes else: if isinstance(index, slice): # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice # Convert into list max_index = index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index))) index = np.unravel_index(index, shape) contraction_factors = [f[idx, :] for idx, f in zip(index, self.factors[counter:counter+n_tensorized_modes])] if contraction_factors[0].ndim > 1: shared_symbol = einsum_symbols[core.ndim+1] else: shared_symbol = '' core_symbols = ''.join(einsum_symbols[:core.ndim]) factors_symbols = ','.join([f'{shared_symbol}{s}' for s in core_symbols[new_ndim:new_ndim+n_tensorized_modes]]) res_symbol = core_symbols[:new_ndim] + shared_symbol + core_symbols[new_ndim+n_tensorized_modes:] if res_symbol: eq = core_symbols + ',' + factors_symbols + '->' + res_symbol else: eq = core_symbols + ',' + factors_symbols core = torch.einsum(eq, core, *contraction_factors) if contraction_factors[0].ndim > 1: new_ndim += 1 counter += n_tensorized_modes if counter <= ndim: out_shape.extend(list(core.shape[new_ndim:])) new_modes.extend(list(range(new_ndim, core.ndim))) new_factors.extend(self.factors[counter:]) # Only here until our Tucker class handles partial-Tucker too if len(new_modes) != core.ndim: core = tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, new_factors, new_modes) new_factors = [] if new_factors: # return core, new_factors, out_shape, new_modes return self.__class__(core, new_factors, tensorized_shape=out_shape) return core def validate_block_tt_rank(tensorized_shape, rank): ndim = max([1 if isinstance(s, int) else len(s) for s in tensorized_shape]) factor_shapes = [(s, )*ndim if isinstance(s, int) else s for s in tensorized_shape] factor_shapes = list( for e in zip(*factor_shapes)) return tl.tt_tensor.validate_tt_rank(factor_shapes, rank)
[docs] class BlockTT(TensorizedTensor, name='BlockTT'): def __init__(self, factors, tensorized_shape=None, rank=None): super().__init__() self.shape = tensorized_shape_to_shape(tensorized_shape) self.tensorized_shape = tensorized_shape self.rank = rank self.order = len(self.shape) self.factors = FactorList(factors)
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, tensorized_shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): if all(isinstance(s, int) for s in tensorized_shape): warnings.warn(f'Given a "flat" shape {tensorized_shape}. ' 'This will be considered as the shape of a tensorized vector. ' 'If you just want a 1D tensor, use a regular Tensor-Train. ') ndim = 1 factor_shapes = [tensorized_shape] tensorized_shape = (tensorized_shape,) else: ndim = max([1 if isinstance(s, int) else len(s) for s in tensorized_shape]) factor_shapes = [(s, )*ndim if isinstance(s, int) else s for s in tensorized_shape] rank = validate_block_tt_rank(tensorized_shape, rank) factor_shapes = [rank[:-1]] + factor_shapes + [rank[1:]] factor_shapes = list(zip(*factor_shapes)) factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty(s, device=device, dtype=dtype)) for s in factor_shapes] return cls(factors, tensorized_shape=tensorized_shape, rank=rank)
@property def decomposition(self): return self.factors
[docs] def to_tensor(self): start = ord('d') in1_eq = [] in2_eq = [] out_eq = [] for i, s in enumerate(self.tensorized_shape): in1_eq.append(start+i) if isinstance(s, int): in2_eq.append(start+i) out_eq.append(start+i) else: in2_eq.append(start+self.order+i) out_eq.append(start+i) out_eq.append(start+self.order+i) in1_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in in1_eq) in2_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in in2_eq) out_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in out_eq) equation = f'a{in1_eq}b,b{in2_eq}c->a{out_eq}c' for i, factor in enumerate(self.factors): if not i: res = factor else: out_shape = list(res.shape) for i, s in enumerate(self.tensorized_shape): if not isinstance(s, int): out_shape[i+1] *= factor.shape[i+1] out_shape[-1] = factor.shape[-1] res = tl.reshape(tl.einsum(equation, res, factor), out_shape) return tl.reshape(res.squeeze(0).squeeze(-1), self.tensor_shape)
def __getitem__(self, indices): factors = self.factors if not isinstance(indices, Iterable): indices = [indices] if len(indices) < self.ndim: indices = list(indices) indices.extend([slice(None)]*(self.ndim - len(indices))) elif len(indices) > self.ndim: indices = [indices] # We're only indexing the first dimension output_shape = [] indexed_factors = [] ndim = len(self.factors) indexed_ndim = len(indices) contract_factors = False # If True, the result is dense, we need to form the full result contraction_op = [] # Whether the operation is batched or not eq_in1 = 'a' # Previously contracted factors (rank_0, dim_0, ..., dim_N, rank_k) eq_in2 = 'b' # Current factor (rank_k, dim_0', ..., dim_N', rank_{k+1}) eq_out = 'a' # Output contracted factor (rank_0, dim_0", ..., dim_N", rank_{k_1}) # where either: # i. dim_k" = dim_k' = dim_k (contraction_op='b' for batched) # or ii. dim_k" = dim_k' x dim_k (contraction_op='m' for multiply) idx = ord('d') # Current character we can use for contraction pad = (slice(None), ) # index previous dimensions with [:], to avoid using .take(dim=k) add_pad = False # whether to increment the padding post indexing for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape): if isinstance(shape, int): # We are indexing a "batched" mode, not a tensorized one if not isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)): if isinstance(index, slice): index = list(range(*index.indices(shape))) output_shape.append(len(index)) add_pad = True contraction_op += 'b' # batched eq_in1 += chr(idx); eq_in2 += chr(idx); eq_out += chr(idx) idx += 1 # else: we've essentially removed a mode of each factor index = [index]*ndim else: # We are indexing a tensorized mode if index == slice(None) or index == (): # Keeping all indices (:) output_shape.append(shape) eq_in1 += chr(idx) eq_in2 += chr(idx+1) eq_out += chr(idx) + chr(idx+1) idx += 2 add_pad = True index = [index]*ndim contraction_op += 'm' # multiply else: contract_factors = True if isinstance(index, slice): # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice # Convert into list max_index = index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index))) if isinstance(index, Iterable): output_shape.append(len(index)) contraction_op += 'b' # multiply eq_in1 += chr(idx) eq_in2 += chr(idx) eq_out += chr(idx) idx += 1 add_pad = True index = np.unravel_index(index, shape) # Index the whole tensorized shape, resulting in a single factor factors = [ff[pad + (idx,)] for (ff, idx) in zip(factors, index)]# + factors[indexed_ndim:] if add_pad: pad += (slice(None), ) add_pad = False # output_shape.extend(self.tensorized_shape[indexed_ndim:]) if contract_factors: eq_in2 += 'c' eq_in1 += 'b' eq_out += 'c' eq = eq_in1 + ',' + eq_in2 + '->' + eq_out for i, factor in enumerate(factors): if not i: res = factor else: out_shape = list(res.shape) for j, s in enumerate(factor.shape[1:-1]): if contraction_op[j] == 'm': out_shape[j+1] *= s out_shape[-1] = factor.shape[-1] # Last rank res = tl.reshape(tl.einsum(eq, res, factor), out_shape) return res.squeeze() else: return self.__class__(factors, output_shape, self.rank)
[docs] def normal_(self, mean=0, std=1): if mean != 0: raise ValueError(f'Currently only mean=0 is supported, but got mean={mean}') r = std_factors = (std/r)**(1/self.order) with torch.no_grad(): for factor in self.factors:, std_factors) return self
def __torch_function__(self, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} args = [t.to_matrix() if hasattr(t, 'to_matrix') else t for t in args] return func(*args, **kwargs) # def from_matrix(cls, matrix, tensorized_row_shape, tensorized_column_shape, rank, n_matrices=(), **kwargs): # if matrix.ndim > 2: # n_matrices = _ensure_tuple(tl.shape(matrix)[:-2]) # else: # n_matrices = () # tensor = matrix.reshape((*n_matrices, *tensorized_row_shape, *tensorized_column_shape))
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, tensor, tensorized_shape, rank, **kwargs): rank = tl.tt_matrix.validate_tt_matrix_rank(tensor.shape, rank) with torch.no_grad(): factors = tensor_train_matrix(tensor, rank, **kwargs) factors = [nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors] return cls(factors, tensorized_shape, rank)
def init_from_tensor(self, tensor, **kwargs): rank = tl.tt_matrix.validate_tt_matrix_rank(tensor.shape, self.rank) with torch.no_grad(): factors = tensor_train_matrix(tensor, rank, **kwargs) self.factors = FactorList([nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors]) self.rank = tuple([f.shape[0] for f in factors] + [1]) return self