import math
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
import tensorly as tl
from tensorly import tenalg
from tensorly.decomposition import parafac, tucker, tensor_train
from .core import FactorizedTensor
from ..utils import FactorList
# Author: Jean Kossaifi
# License: BSD 3 clause
class DenseTensor(FactorizedTensor, name='Dense'):
"""Dense tensor
def __init__(self, tensor, shape=None, rank=None):
if shape is not None and rank is not None:
self.shape, self.rank = shape, rank
self.shape = tensor.shape
self.rank = None
self.order = len(self.shape)
if isinstance(tensor, nn.Parameter):
self.register_parameter('tensor', tensor)
self.register_buffer('tensor', tensor)
def new(cls, shape, rank=None, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
# Register the parameters
tensor = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(shape, device=device, dtype=dtype))
return cls(tensor)
def from_tensor(cls, tensor, rank='same', **kwargs):
return cls(nn.Parameter(tl.copy(tensor)))
def init_from_tensor(self, tensor, l2_reg=1e-5, **kwargs):
with torch.no_grad():
self.tensor = nn.Parameter(tl.copy(tensor))
return self
def decomposition(self):
return self.tensor
def to_tensor(self):
return self.tensor
def normal_(self, mean=0, std=1):
with torch.no_grad():, std)
return self
def __getitem__(self, indices):
return self.__class__(self.tensor[indices])
class CPTensor(FactorizedTensor, name='CP'):
"""CP Factorization
def __init__(self, weights, factors, shape=None, rank=None):
if shape is not None and rank is not None:
self.shape, self.rank = shape, rank
self.shape, self.rank = tl.cp_tensor._validate_cp_tensor((weights, factors))
self.order = len(self.shape)
# self.weights = weights
if isinstance(weights, nn.Parameter):
self.register_parameter('weights', weights)
self.register_buffer('weights', weights)
self.factors = FactorList(factors)
def new(cls, shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
rank = tl.cp_tensor.validate_cp_rank(shape, rank)
# Register the parameters
weights = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=dtype))
# Avoid the issues with ParameterList
factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty((s, rank), device=device, dtype=dtype)) for s in shape]
return cls(weights, factors)
def from_tensor(cls, tensor, rank='same', **kwargs):
shape = tensor.shape
rank = tl.cp_tensor.validate_cp_rank(shape, rank)
dtype = tensor.dtype
with torch.no_grad():
weights, factors = parafac(, rank, **kwargs)
return cls(nn.Parameter(, [nn.Parameter( for f in factors])
def init_from_tensor(self, tensor, l2_reg=1e-5, **kwargs):
with torch.no_grad():
weights, factors = parafac(tensor, self.rank, l2_reg=l2_reg, **kwargs)
self.weights = nn.Parameter(weights.contiguous())
self.factors = FactorList([nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors])
return self
def decomposition(self):
return self.weights, self.factors
def to_tensor(self):
return tl.cp_to_tensor(self.decomposition)
def normal_(self, mean=0, std=1):
super().normal_(mean, std)
std_factors = (std/math.sqrt(self.rank))**(1/self.order)
with torch.no_grad():
for factor in self.factors:, std_factors)
return self
def __getitem__(self, indices):
if isinstance(indices, int):
# Select one dimension of one mode
mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
weights = self.weights*mixing_factor[indices, :]
return self.__class__(weights, factors)
elif isinstance(indices, slice):
# Index part of a factor
mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
factors = [mixing_factor[indices, :], *factors]
weights = self.weights
return self.__class__(weights, factors)
# Index multiple dimensions
factors = self.factors
index_factors = []
weights = self.weights
for index in indices:
if index is Ellipsis:
raise ValueError(f'Ellipsis is not yet supported, yet got indices={indices} which contains one.')
mixing_factor, *factors = factors
if isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)):
if factors or index_factors:
weights = weights*mixing_factor[index, :]
# No factors left
return tl.sum(weights*mixing_factor[index, :])
index_factors.append(mixing_factor[index, :])
return self.__class__(weights, index_factors + factors)
# return self.__class__(*tl.cp_indexing(self.weights, self.factors, indices))
def transduct(self, new_dim, mode=0, new_factor=None):
"""Transduction adds a new dimension to the existing factorization
new_dim : int
dimension of the new mode to add
mode : where to insert the new dimension, after the channels, default is 0
by default, insert the new dimensions before the existing ones
(e.g. add time before height and width)
factors = self.factors
# Important: don't increment the order before accessing factors which uses order!
self.order += 1
self.shape = self.shape[:mode] + (new_dim,) + self.shape[mode:]
if new_factor is None:
new_factor = torch.ones(new_dim, self.rank)#/new_dim
factors.insert(mode, nn.Parameter([0].device).contiguous()))
self.factors = FactorList(factors)
return self
class TuckerTensor(FactorizedTensor, name='Tucker'):
"""Tucker Factorization
def __init__(self, core, factors, shape=None, rank=None):
if shape is not None and rank is not None:
self.shape, self.rank = shape, rank
self.shape, self.rank = tl.tucker_tensor._validate_tucker_tensor((core, factors))
self.order = len(self.shape)
# self.core = core
if isinstance(core, nn.Parameter):
self.register_parameter('core', core)
self.register_buffer('core', core)
self.factors = FactorList(factors)
def new(cls, shape, rank, fixed_rank_modes=None,
device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
rank = tl.tucker_tensor.validate_tucker_rank(shape, rank, fixed_modes=fixed_rank_modes)
# Register the parameters
core = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(rank, device=device, dtype=dtype))
# Avoid the issues with ParameterList
factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty((s, r), device=device, dtype=dtype)) for (s, r) in zip(shape, rank)]
return cls(core, factors)
def from_tensor(cls, tensor, rank='same', fixed_rank_modes=None, **kwargs):
shape = tensor.shape
rank = tl.tucker_tensor.validate_tucker_rank(shape, rank, fixed_modes=fixed_rank_modes)
with torch.no_grad():
core, factors = tucker(tensor, rank, **kwargs)
return cls(nn.Parameter(core.contiguous()), [nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors])
def init_from_tensor(self, tensor, unsqueezed_modes=None, unsqueezed_init='average', **kwargs):
"""Initialize the tensor factorization from a tensor
tensor : torch.Tensor
full tensor to decompose
unsqueezed_modes : int list
list of modes for which the rank is 1 that don't correspond to a mode in the full tensor
essentially we are adding a new dimension for which the core has dim 1,
and that is not initialized through decomposition.
Instead first `tensor` is decomposed into the other factors.
The `unsqueezed factors` are then added and initialized e.g. with 1/dim[i]
unsqueezed_init : 'average' or float
if unsqueezed_modes, this is how the added "unsqueezed" factors will be initialized
if 'average', then unsqueezed_factor[i] will have value 1/tensor.shape[i]
if unsqueezed_modes is not None:
unsqueezed_modes = sorted(unsqueezed_modes)
for mode in unsqueezed_modes[::-1]:
if self.rank[mode] != 1:
msg = 'It is only possible to initialize by averagig over mode for which rank=1.'
msg += f'However, got unsqueezed_modes={unsqueezed_modes} but rank[{mode}]={self.rank[mode]} != 1.'
raise ValueError(msg)
rank = tuple(r for (i, r) in enumerate(self.rank) if i not in unsqueezed_modes)
rank = self.rank
with torch.no_grad():
core, factors = tucker(tensor, rank, **kwargs)
if unsqueezed_modes is not None:
# Initialise with 1/shape[mode] or given value
for mode in unsqueezed_modes:
size = self.shape[mode]
factor = torch.ones(size, 1)
if unsqueezed_init == 'average':
factor /= size
factor *= unsqueezed_init
factors.insert(mode, factor)
core = core.unsqueeze(mode)
self.core = nn.Parameter(core.contiguous())
self.factors = FactorList([nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors])
return self
def decomposition(self):
return self.core, self.factors
def to_tensor(self):
return tl.tucker_to_tensor(self.decomposition)
def normal_(self, mean=0, std=1):
if mean != 0:
raise ValueError(f'Currently only mean=0 is supported, but got mean={mean}')
r =[math.sqrt(r) for r in self.rank])
std_factors = (std/r)**(1/(self.order+1))
with torch.no_grad():, std_factors)
for factor in self.factors:, std_factors)
return self
def __getitem__(self, indices):
if isinstance(indices, int):
# Select one dimension of one mode
mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
core = tenalg.mode_dot(self.core, mixing_factor[indices, :], 0)
return self.__class__(core, factors)
elif isinstance(indices, slice):
mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
factors = [mixing_factor[indices, :], *factors]
return self.__class__(self.core, factors)
# Index multiple dimensions
modes = []
factors = []
factors_contract = []
for i, (index, factor) in enumerate(zip(indices, self.factors)):
if index is Ellipsis:
raise ValueError(f'Ellipsis is not yet supported, yet got indices={indices}, indices[{i}]={index}.')
if isinstance(index, int):
factors_contract.append(factor[index, :])
factors.append(factor[index, :])
if modes:
core = tenalg.multi_mode_dot(self.core, factors_contract, modes=modes)
core = self.core
factors = factors + self.factors[i+1:]
if factors:
return self.__class__(core, factors)
# Fully contracted tensor
return core
class TTTensor(FactorizedTensor, name='TT'):
"""Tensor-Train (Matrix-Product-State) Factorization
def __init__(self, factors, shape=None, rank=None):
if shape is None or rank is None:
self.shape, self.rank = tl.tt_tensor._validate_tt_tensor(factors)
self.shape, self.rank = shape, rank
self.order = len(self.shape)
self.factors = FactorList(factors)
def new(cls, shape, rank, device=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
rank = tl.tt_tensor.validate_tt_rank(shape, rank)
# Avoid the issues with ParameterList
factors = [nn.Parameter(torch.empty((rank[i], s, rank[i+1]), device=device, dtype=dtype)) for i, s in enumerate(shape)]
return cls(factors)
def from_tensor(cls, tensor, rank='same', **kwargs):
shape = tensor.shape
rank = tl.tt_tensor.validate_tt_rank(shape, rank)
with torch.no_grad():
# TODO: deal properly with wrong kwargs
factors = tensor_train(tensor, rank)
return cls([nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors])
def init_from_tensor(self, tensor, **kwargs):
with torch.no_grad():
# TODO: deal properly with wrong kwargs
factors = tensor_train(tensor, self.rank)
self.factors = FactorList([nn.Parameter(f.contiguous()) for f in factors])
self.rank = tuple([f.shape[0] for f in factors] + [1])
return self
def decomposition(self):
return self.factors
def to_tensor(self):
return tl.tt_to_tensor(self.decomposition)
def normal_(self, mean=0, std=1):
if mean != 0:
raise ValueError(f'Currently only mean=0 is supported, but got mean={mean}')
r =
std_factors = (std/r)**(1/self.order)
with torch.no_grad():
for factor in self.factors:, std_factors)
return self
def __getitem__(self, indices):
if isinstance(indices, int):
# Select one dimension of one mode
factor, next_factor, *factors = self.factors
next_factor = tenalg.mode_dot(next_factor, factor[:, indices, :].squeeze(1), 0)
return self.__class__([next_factor, *factors])
elif isinstance(indices, slice):
mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
factors = [mixing_factor[:, indices], *factors]
return self.__class__(factors)
factors = []
all_contracted = True
for i, index in enumerate(indices):
if index is Ellipsis:
raise ValueError(f'Ellipsis is not yet supported, yet got indices={indices}, indices[{i}]={index}.')
if isinstance(index, int):
if i:
factor = tenalg.mode_dot(factor, self.factors[i][:, index, :].T, -1)
factor = self.factors[i][:, index, :]
if i:
if all_contracted:
factor = tenalg.mode_dot(self.factors[i][:, index, :], factor, 0)
factor = self.factors[i][:, index, :]
factor = self.factors[i][:, index, :]
all_contracted = False
if factor.ndim == 2: # We have contracted all cores, so have a 2D matrix
if self.order == (i+1):
# No factors left
return factor.squeeze()
next_factor, *factors = self.factors[i+1:]
factor = tenalg.mode_dot(next_factor, factor, 0)
return self.__class__([factor, *factors])
return self.__class__([*factors, factor, *self.factors[i+1:]])
def transduct(self, new_dim, mode=0, new_factor=None):
"""Transduction adds a new dimension to the existing factorization
new_dim : int
dimension of the new mode to add
mode : where to insert the new dimension, after the channels, default is 0
by default, insert the new dimensions before the existing ones
(e.g. add time before height and width)
factors = self.factors
# Important: don't increment the order before accessing factors which uses order!
self.order += 1
new_rank = self.rank[mode]
self.rank = self.rank[:mode] + (new_rank, ) + self.rank[mode:]
self.shape = self.shape[:mode] + (new_dim, ) + self.shape[mode:]
# Init so the reconstruction is equivalent to concatenating the previous self new_dim times
if new_factor is None:
new_factor = torch.zeros(new_rank, new_dim, new_rank)
for i in range(new_dim):
new_factor[:, i, :] = torch.eye(new_rank)#/new_dim
# Below: <=> static prediciton
# new_factor[:, new_dim//2, :] = torch.eye(new_rank)
factors.insert(mode, nn.Parameter([0].device).contiguous()))
self.factors = FactorList(factors)
return self