Higher Order Convolution with CP decompositon
# Author: Jean Kossaifi
# License: BSD 3 clause
import warnings
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import tensorly as tl
from ..functional.convolution import _get_factorized_conv
from ..factorized_tensors import FactorizedTensor, CPTensor, TTTensor
def _ensure_list(order, value):
"""Ensures that `value` is a list of length `order`
If `value` is an int, turns it into a list ``[value]*order``
if isinstance(value, int):
return [value]*order
assert len(value) == order
return value
def _ensure_array(layers_shape, order, value, one_per_order=True):
"""Ensures that `value` is an array
layers_shape : tuple
shape of the layer (n_weights)
order : int
order of the convolutional layer
value : np.ndarray or int
value to be checked
one_per_order : bool, optional
if true, then we must have one value per mode of the convolution
otherwise, a single value per factorized layer is needed
by default True
if one_per_order, of shape layers_shape
otherwise, of shape (*layers_shape, order)
if one_per_order:
target_shape = layers_shape + (order, )
target_shape = layers_shape
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
assert value.shape == target_shape
return value
if isinstance(value, int):
array = np.ones(target_shape, dtype=np.int32)*value
assert len(value) == order
array = np.ones(target_shape, dtype=np.int32)
array[..., :] = value
return array
def kernel_shape_to_factorization_shape(factorization, kernel_shape):
"""Returns the shape of the factorized weights to create depending on the factorization
# For the TT case, the decomposition has a different shape than the kernel.
if factorization.lower() == 'tt':
kernel_shape = list(kernel_shape)
out_channel = kernel_shape.pop(0)
return tuple(kernel_shape)
# Other decompositions require no modification
return kernel_shape
def factorization_shape_to_kernel_shape(factorization, factorization_shape):
"""Returns a convolutional kernel shape rom a factorized tensor shape
if factorization.lower() == 'tt':
kernel_shape = list(factorization_shape)
out_channel = kernel_shape.pop(-1)
kernel_shape = [out_channel] + kernel_shape
return tuple(kernel_shape)
return factorization_shape
def kernel_to_tensor(factorization, kernel):
"""Returns a convolutional kernel ready to be factorized
if factorization.lower() == 'tt':
kernel = tl.moveaxis(kernel, 0, -1)
return kernel
def tensor_to_kernel(factorization, tensor):
"""Returns a kernel from a tensor factorization
if factorization.lower() == 'tt':
tensor = tl.moveaxis(tensor, -1, 0)
return tensor
class FactorizedConv(nn.Module):
"""Create a factorized convolution of arbitrary order
_version = 1
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, order=None,
stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, has_bias=False, n_layers=1,
factorization='cp', rank='same', implementation='factorized', fixed_rank_modes=None,
device=None, dtype=None):
# Check that order and kernel size are well defined and match
if isinstance(kernel_size, int):
if order is None:
raise ValueError(f'If int given for kernel_size, order (dimension of the convolution) should also be provided.')
if not isinstance(order, int) or order <= 0:
raise ValueError(f'order should be the (positive integer) order of the convolution'
f'but got order={order} of type {type(order)}.')
kernel_size = (kernel_size, ) * order
kernel_size = tuple(kernel_size)
order = len(kernel_size)
self.order = order
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.implementation = implementation
self.input_rank = rank
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.factorization = factorization
# Shape to insert if multiple layers are parametrized
if isinstance(n_layers, int):
if n_layers == 1:
layers_shape = ()
layers_shape = (n_layers, )
layers_shape = n_layers
self.layers_shape = layers_shape
# tensor of values for each parametrized conv
self.padding = _ensure_array(layers_shape, order, padding)
self.stride = _ensure_array(layers_shape, order, stride)
self.dilation = _ensure_array(layers_shape, order, dilation)
self.has_bias = _ensure_array(layers_shape, order, has_bias, one_per_order=False)
if bias:
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(*layers_shape, out_channels, device=device, dtype=dtype))
self.register_parameter('bias', None)
if isinstance(factorization, FactorizedTensor):
self.weight = factorization.to(device).to(dtype)
kernel_shape = factorization_shape_to_kernel_shape(factorization._name, factorization.shape)
kernel_shape = (out_channels, in_channels) + kernel_size
# Some factorizations require permuting the dimensions, handled by kernel_shape_to_factorization_shape
kernel_shape = kernel_shape_to_factorization_shape(factorization, kernel_shape)
# In case we are parametrizing multiple layers
factorization_shape = layers_shape + kernel_shape
# For Tucker decomposition, we may want to not decomposed spatial dimensions
if fixed_rank_modes is not None:
if factorization.lower() != 'tucker':
warnings.warn(f'Got fixed_rank_modes={fixed_rank_modes} which is only used for factorization=tucker but got factorization={factorization}.')
elif fixed_rank_modes== 'spatial':
fixed_rank_modes = list(range(2 + len(layers_shape), 2+len(layers_shape)+order))
self.weight = FactorizedTensor.new(factorization_shape, rank=rank, factorization=factorization, fixed_rank_modes=fixed_rank_modes,
device=device, dtype=dtype)
self.rank = self.weight.rank
self.shape = self.weight.shape
self.kernel_shape = kernel_shape
# We pre-select the forward function to not waste time doing the check at each forward pass
self.forward_fun = _get_factorized_conv(self.weight, self.implementation)
def forward(self, x, indices=0):
# Single layer parametrized
if self.n_layers == 1:
if indices == 0:
return self.forward_fun(x, self.weight(), bias=self.bias, stride=self.stride.tolist(),
padding=self.padding.tolist(), dilation=self.dilation.tolist())
raise ValueError(f'Only one convolution was parametrized (n_layers=1) but tried to access {indices}.')
# Multiple layers parameterized
if isinstance(self.n_layers, int):
if not isinstance(indices, int):
raise ValueError(f'Expected indices to be in int but got indices={indices}'
f', but this conv was created with n_layers={self.n_layers}.')
elif len(indices) != len(self.n_layers):
raise ValueError(f'Got indices={indices}, but this conv was created with n_layers={self.n_layers}.')
bias = self.bias[indices] if self.has_bias[indices] else None
return self.forward_fun(x, self.weight(indices), bias=bias, stride=self.stride[indices].tolist(),
padding=self.padding[indices].tolist(), dilation=self.dilation[indices].tolist())
def reset_parameters(self, std=0.02):
if self.bias is not None:
self.weight = self.weight.normal_(0, std)
def set(self, indices, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=None):
"""Sets the parameters of the conv self[indices]
self.padding[indices] = _ensure_list(self.order, padding)
self.stride[indices] = _ensure_list(self.order, stride)
self.dilation[indices] = _ensure_list(self.order, dilation)
if bias is not None:
self.bias.data[indices] = bias.data
self.has_bias[indices] = True
def get_conv(self, indices):
"""Returns a sub-convolutional layer from the joint parametrize main-convolution
The parametrization of sub-convolutional layers is shared with the main one.
if self.n_layers == 1:
raise ValueError('A single convolution is parametrized, directly use the main class.')
if self.has_bias[indices]:
bias = self.bias
bias = None
return SubFactorizedConv(self, indices)
# return SubFactorizedConv(self, indices, self.weight, bias)
def __getitem__(self, indices):
return self.get_conv(indices)
def from_factorization(cls, factorization, implementation='factorized',
stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=None, n_layers=1):
kernel_shape = factorization_shape_to_kernel_shape(factorization._name, factorization.shape)
if n_layers == 1:
out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_size = kernel_shape
elif isinstance(n_layers, int):
layer_size, out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_size = kernel_shape
assert layer_size == n_layers
layer_size = kernel_shape[:len(n_layers)]
out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_size = kernel_shape[len(n_layers):]
order = len(kernel_size)
instance = cls(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, order=order, implementation=implementation,
padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=(bias is not None), n_layers=n_layers, dilation=dilation,
factorization=factorization, rank=factorization.rank)
instance.weight = factorization
if bias is not None:
instance.bias.data = bias
return instance
def from_conv(cls, conv_layer, rank='same', implementation='reconstructed', factorization='CP',
decompose_weights=True, decomposition_kwargs=dict(), fixed_rank_modes=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a Factorized convolution from a regular convolutional layer
conv_layer : torch.nn.ConvND
rank : rank of the decomposition, default is 'same'
implementation : str, default is 'reconstructed'
decomposed_weights : bool, default is True
if True, the convolutional kernel is decomposed to initialize the factorized convolution
otherwise, the factorized convolution's parameters are initialized randomly
decomposition_kwargs : dict
parameters passed directly on to the decompoosition function if `decomposed_weights` is True
New instance of the factorized convolution with equivalent weightss
Check that the decomposition of the given convolution and cls is the same.
padding = conv_layer.padding
out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_size = conv_layer.weight.shape
stride = conv_layer.stride[0]
bias = conv_layer.bias is not None
dilation = conv_layer.dilation
instance = cls(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
factorization=factorization, implementation=implementation, rank=rank,
dilation=dilation, padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=bias,
fixed_rank_modes=fixed_rank_modes, **kwargs)
if decompose_weights:
if conv_layer.bias is not None:
instance.bias.data = conv_layer.bias.data
with torch.no_grad():
kernel_tensor = kernel_to_tensor(factorization, conv_layer.weight.data)
instance.weight.init_from_tensor(kernel_tensor, **decomposition_kwargs)
return instance
def from_conv_list(cls, conv_list, rank='same', implementation='reconstructed', factorization='cp',
decompose_weights=True, decomposition_kwargs=dict(), **kwargs):
conv_layer = conv_list[0]
padding = conv_layer.padding
out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_size = conv_layer.weight.shape
stride = conv_layer.stride[0]
bias = True
dilation = conv_layer.dilation
instance = cls(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, implementation=implementation, rank=rank, factorization=factorization,
padding=padding, stride=stride, bias=bias, dilation=dilation, n_layers=len(conv_list), fixed_rank_modes=None, **kwargs)
if decompose_weights:
with torch.no_grad():
weight_tensor = torch.stack([kernel_to_tensor(factorization, layer.weight.data) for layer in conv_list])
instance.weight.init_from_tensor(weight_tensor, **decomposition_kwargs)
for i, layer in enumerate(conv_list):
instance.set(i, stride=layer.stride, padding=layer.padding, dilation=layer.dilation, bias=layer.bias)
# instance.padding[i] = _ensure_list(instance.order, layer.padding)
# instance.stride[i] = _ensure_list(instance.order, layer.stride)
# instance.dilation[i] = _ensure_list(instance.order, layer.dilation)
return instance
def transduct(self, kernel_size, mode=0, padding=0, stride=1, dilation=1, fine_tune_transduction_only=True):
"""Transduction of the factorized convolution to add a new dimension
kernel_size : int
size of the additional dimension
mode : where to insert the new dimension, after the channels, default is 0
by default, insert the new dimensions before the existing ones
(e.g. add time before height and width)
padding : int, default is 0
stride : int: default is 1
if fine_tune_transduction_only:
for param in self.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
mode += len(self.layers_shape)
self.order += 1
padding = np.ones(self.layers_shape + (1, ), dtype=int)*padding
stride = np.ones(self.layers_shape + (1, ), dtype=int)*stride
dilation = np.ones(self.layers_shape + (1, ), dtype=int)*dilation
self.padding = np.concatenate([self.padding[..., :mode], padding, self.padding[..., mode:]], len(self.layers_shape))
self.stride = np.concatenate([self.stride[..., :mode], stride, self.stride[..., mode:]], len(self.layers_shape))
self.dilation = np.concatenate([self.dilation[..., :mode], dilation, self.dilation[..., mode:]], len(self.layers_shape))
self.kernel_size = self.kernel_size[:mode] + (kernel_size,) + self.kernel_size[mode:]
self.kernel_shape = self.kernel_shape[:mode+2] + (kernel_size,) + self.kernel_shape[mode+2:]
# Just to the frame-wise conv if adding time
if isinstance(self.weight, CPTensor):
new_factor = torch.zeros(kernel_size, self.weight.rank)
new_factor[kernel_size//2, :] = 1
transduction_mode = mode + 2
elif isinstance(self.weight, TTTensor):
new_factor = None
transduction_mode = mode + 1
transduction_mode = mode + 2
new_factor = None
self.weight = self.weight.transduct(kernel_size, transduction_mode, new_factor)
return self
class SubFactorizedConv(nn.Module):
"""Class representing one of the convolutions from the mother joint factorized convolution
This relies on the fact that nn.Parameters are not duplicated:
if the same nn.Parameter is assigned to multiple modules, they all point to the same data,
which is shared.
def __init__(self, main_conv, indices):
self.main_conv = main_conv
self.indices = indices
def forward(self, x):
return self.main_conv.forward(x, self.indices)
def __repr__(self):
msg = f'SubConv {self.indices} from main factorized layer.'
msg += f'\n {self.__class__.__name__}('
msg += f'in_channels={self.main_conv.in_channels}, out_channels={self.main_conv.out_channels}'
if self.main_conv.stride[self.indices].tolist() != [1] * self.main_conv.order:
msg += f', stride={self.main_conv.stride[self.indices].tolist()}'
if self.main_conv.padding[self.indices].tolist() != [0] * self.main_conv.order:
msg += f', padding={self.main_conv.padding[self.indices].tolist()}'
if self.main_conv.dilation[self.indices].tolist() != [1] * self.main_conv.order:
msg += f', dilation={self.main_conv.dilation[self.indices].tolist()}'
if self.main_conv.has_bias[self.indices]:
msg += f', bias=False'
msg += ')'
return msg