Source code for tltorch.factorized_layers.factorized_embedding

import torch
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
from tltorch.factorized_tensors import TensorizedTensor,tensor_init
from tltorch.utils import get_tensorized_shape

# Authors: Cole Hawkins 
#          Jean Kossaifi

[docs]class FactorizedEmbedding(nn.Module): """ Tensorized Embedding Layers For Efficient Model Compression Tensorized drop-in replacement for `torch.nn.Embedding` Parameters ---------- num_embeddings : int number of entries in the lookup table embedding_dim : int number of dimensions per entry auto_tensorize : bool whether to use automatic reshaping for the embedding dimensions n_tensorized_modes : int or int tuple number of reshape dimensions for both embedding table dimension tensorized_num_embeddings : int tuple tensorized shape of the first embedding table dimension tensorized_embedding_dim : int tuple tensorized shape of the second embedding table dimension factorization : str tensor type rank : int tuple or str rank of the tensor factorization """ def __init__(self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim, auto_tensorize=True, n_tensorized_modes=3, tensorized_num_embeddings=None, tensorized_embedding_dim=None, factorization='blocktt', rank=8, n_layers=1, device=None, dtype=None): super().__init__() if auto_tensorize: if tensorized_num_embeddings is not None and tensorized_embedding_dim is not None: raise ValueError( "Either use auto_tensorize or specify tensorized_num_embeddings and tensorized_embedding_dim." ) tensorized_num_embeddings, tensorized_embedding_dim = get_tensorized_shape(in_features=num_embeddings, out_features=embedding_dim, order=n_tensorized_modes, min_dim=2, verbose=False) else: #check that dimensions match factorization computed_num_embeddings = computed_embedding_dim = if computed_num_embeddings!=num_embeddings: raise ValueError("Tensorized embeddding number {} does not match num_embeddings argument {}".format(computed_num_embeddings,num_embeddings)) if computed_embedding_dim!=embedding_dim: raise ValueError("Tensorized embeddding dimension {} does not match embedding_dim argument {}".format(computed_embedding_dim,embedding_dim)) self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.tensor_shape = (tensorized_num_embeddings, tensorized_embedding_dim) self.weight_shape = (self.num_embeddings, self.embedding_dim) self.n_layers = n_layers if n_layers > 1: self.tensor_shape = (n_layers, ) + self.tensor_shape self.weight_shape = (n_layers, ) + self.weight_shape self.factorization = factorization self.weight =, rank=rank, factorization=self.factorization, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.reset_parameters() self.rank = self.weight.rank def reset_parameters(self): #Parameter initialization from Yin et al. #TT-Rec: Tensor Train Compression for Deep Learning Recommendation Model Embeddings target_stddev = 1 / np.sqrt(3 * self.num_embeddings) with torch.no_grad(): tensor_init(self.weight,std=target_stddev)
[docs] def forward(self, input, indices=0): #to handle case where input is not 1-D output_shape = (*input.shape, self.embedding_dim) flattened_input = input.reshape(-1) if self.n_layers == 1: if indices == 0: embeddings = self.weight[flattened_input, :] else: embeddings = self.weight[indices, flattened_input, :] #CPTensorized returns CPTensorized when indexing if self.factorization.lower() == 'cp': embeddings = embeddings.to_matrix() #TuckerTensorized returns tensor not matrix, # and requires reshape not view for contiguous elif self.factorization.lower() == 'tucker': embeddings = embeddings.reshape(input.shape[0], -1) return embeddings.view(output_shape)
[docs] @classmethod def from_embedding(cls, embedding_layer, rank=8, factorization='blocktt', n_tensorized_modes=2, decompose_weights=True, auto_tensorize=True, decomposition_kwargs=dict(), **kwargs): """ Create a tensorized embedding layer from a regular embedding layer Parameters ---------- embedding_layer : torch.nn.Embedding rank : int tuple or str rank of the tensor decomposition factorization : str tensor type decompose_weights: bool whether to decompose weights and use for initialization auto_tensorize: bool if True, automatically reshape dimensions for TensorizedTensor decomposition_kwargs: dict specify kwargs for the decomposition """ num_embeddings, embedding_dim = embedding_layer.weight.shape instance = cls(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, auto_tensorize=auto_tensorize, factorization=factorization, n_tensorized_modes=n_tensorized_modes, rank=rank, **kwargs) if decompose_weights: with torch.no_grad(): instance.weight.init_from_matrix(, **decomposition_kwargs) else: instance.reset_parameters() return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_embedding_list(cls, embedding_layer_list, rank=8, factorization='blocktt', n_tensorized_modes=2, decompose_weights=True, auto_tensorize=True, decomposition_kwargs=dict(), **kwargs): """ Create a tensorized embedding layer from a regular embedding layer Parameters ---------- embedding_layer : torch.nn.Embedding rank : int tuple or str tensor rank factorization : str tensor decomposition to use decompose_weights: bool decompose weights and use for initialization auto_tensorize: bool automatically reshape dimensions for TensorizedTensor decomposition_kwargs: dict specify kwargs for the decomposition """ n_layers = len(embedding_layer_list) num_embeddings, embedding_dim = embedding_layer_list[0].weight.shape for i, layer in enumerate(embedding_layer_list[1:]): # Just some checks on the size of the embeddings # They need to have the same size so they can be jointly factorized new_num_embeddings, new_embedding_dim = layer.weight.shape if num_embeddings != new_num_embeddings: msg = 'All embedding layers must have the same num_embeddings.' msg += f'Yet, got embedding_layer_list[0] with num_embeddings={num_embeddings} ' msg += f' and embedding_layer_list[{i+1}] with num_embeddings={new_num_embeddings}.' raise ValueError(msg) if embedding_dim != new_embedding_dim: msg = 'All embedding layers must have the same embedding_dim.' msg += f'Yet, got embedding_layer_list[0] with embedding_dim={embedding_dim} ' msg += f' and embedding_layer_list[{i+1}] with embedding_dim={new_embedding_dim}.' raise ValueError(msg) instance = cls(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, n_tensorized_modes=n_tensorized_modes, auto_tensorize=auto_tensorize, factorization=factorization, rank=rank, n_layers=n_layers, **kwargs) if decompose_weights: weight_tensor = torch.stack([ for layer in embedding_layer_list]) with torch.no_grad(): instance.weight.init_from_matrix(weight_tensor, **decomposition_kwargs) else: instance.reset_parameters() return instance
def get_embedding(self, indices): if self.n_layers == 1: raise ValueError('A single linear is parametrized, directly use the main class.') return SubFactorizedEmbedding(self, indices)
class SubFactorizedEmbedding(nn.Module): """Class representing one of the embeddings from the mother joint factorized embedding layer Parameters ---------- Notes ----- This relies on the fact that nn.Parameters are not duplicated: if the same nn.Parameter is assigned to multiple modules, they all point to the same data, which is shared. """ def __init__(self, main_layer, indices): super().__init__() self.main_layer = main_layer self.indices = indices def forward(self, x): return self.main_layer(x, self.indices) def extra_repr(self): return '' def __repr__(self): msg = f' {self.__class__.__name__} {self.indices} from main factorized layer.' msg += f'\n{self.__class__.__name__}(' msg += self.extra_repr() msg += ')' return msg