import tensorly as tl
from tensorly.tt_tensor import TTTensor
import itertools
from torch import int as pt_int
from .tt_circuit import qubits_contract, TTCircuit
# Author: Taylor Lee Patti <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
[docs]def calculate_cut(spins, spins1, spins2, weights, get_cut=False, alternate=None):
"""Calculates the MaxCut value of a given state (set of spins) for a given graph (weights). The weights
can be given in an arbitrary order, which makes the indices of the spins for each weight necessary.
spins : List/tensor of real floats, state spin values
wspins1 : List/tensor of ints, spin indices
wspins2 : List/tensor of ints, spin indices
weights : List/tensor of real floats, graph weights
get_cut : Boolean, if False - return Ising energy definition, if True - return traditional MaxCut metric
The energy/MaxCut metric for the state of spins of the graph described by spins1, spins2, and weights.
spins, spins1, spins2, weights = spins.reshape((-1,1)), spins1.reshape((-1,)), spins2.reshape((-1,)), weights.reshape((-1,1))
if get_cut:
energy = tl.sum(weights*(1-spins[spins1]*spins[spins2]))/2.
energy = tl.sum(spins[spins1]*spins[spins2]*weights)
return energy
[docs]def brute_force_calculate_maxcut(nqubits, spins1, spins2, weights):
"""Brute force calculation of MaxCut for a given set of spins and weights. Caution: scales exponentially in number of qubits.
nqubits : int, number of qubits
wspins1 : List/tensor of ints, spin indices
wspins2 : List/tensor of ints, spin indices
weights : List/tensor of real floats, graph weights
The MaxCut for the graph described by spin1, spin2, and weights.
tot, bits = 2**(nqubits-1), [BIT for i in range(nqubits-1)]
bits = list(itertools.product(*bits))
bits = [list(tup) for tup in bits]
min_energy, min_perm = 1000, None
for perm in bits:
spins = -tl.tensor([0]+perm).to(pt_int)
spins[spins == 0] = 1
energy = calculate_cut(spins.reshape(-1,1), spins1, spins2, weights)
if energy < min_energy:
min_energy, min_perm = energy, [0]+perm
return min_energy, min_perm
BIT = [0, 1]